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Is vaginal bleeding normal when you stop birth control pills

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A:It can take up to six months after stopping birth control for your periods to regulate themselves. Thanks for doing the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-vaginal-bleeding-normal-when-you-stop-birth-control-pills ]
More Answers to “Is vaginal bleeding normal when you stop birth control pills
What do you do to stop vaginal bleeding due to overdose of birth …?
Nothing. You just need to let it bleed. Once you start to shed the lining of your uterus, you will continue to bleed until it is gone.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: This started about August 2009 with crazy weird bleeding, not sure if it was my period or what. Sometimes it would be light and hardly noticeable and other times it would be so bad that I considered going to the hospital. And they came at completely random times, I would be off of them for a couple days then on them for a couple, but I was definetly on them more than I was off. I started taking a birth control pill in august hoping that might straighten out my periods a little and it did nothing. I finally stopped taking the birth control in the middle of December and the bleeding stopped, until January 7, 2010 when I had some spotting, since then my periods, well the bleeding part, have been normal. Also nausea and vomiting is horrible; That started in about November and has progressively gotten worse to the point where certain smells make me vomit, mostly food but also some just random smells. Its much worse in the morning especially if I get up early. I’ve actually woken myself in the mornings because of the nausea. I’ve also noticed, I’m really tired lately, cramping off and on sometimes just like normal cramps and sometimes it feels like something is tearing its way out of my lady parts, and lately its been very bad, I can’t even call it cramping anymore its more of a really sharp pain that goes away after a little while. Also sore/swollen breasts, hunger pains less than a half hour from eating any size meal, backaches, dizzyness, headaches, mood swings, extremely emotional(but you would be too if this was happening to you), very dry skin on my face and having a hard time concentrating/thinking. And today was the first time for this one, very light pinkish bleeding right after sex. Oh and I have hereditary iron defeciency anemia, and my iron level has dropped drastically quite a few times lately and i’m concerned because it doesnt normally drop that suddenly I’ve gone to my family doctor a few times regarding this issue, she perscribed the birthcontrol and got an ultrasound towards the begining that came back with a small cyst (1.5 cm to be exact) and she said that was nothing to worry about. Since then she has done a full pap smear and the typical std testing that all came back normal, she then ordered a blood pregnancy test(about 3 months after this all started so I know it wasn’t just “too early to tell”) which showed my hcg levels were less than one so I’m not pregnant and finally she was stumpped and sent me to an actual OBGYN, he did another full pap and a couple other vaginal tests, he said he would call if there was a problem and no call so i’m assuming all of that was normal; he suggested maybe appendicitus(my thought: are you freakin’ kidding me??) so he ordered a CBC that came back completely normal, he perscribed another oral birth control and an antibiotic just basically because he has no idea; and I can’t even keep the antibiotic down because I vomit if i take it on an empty stomach and I’m supposed to take it twice a day, well because of these problems, I don’t have food in my stomach twice a day, I called him and told him and he pretty much said “oh well, try it again”, easy for him to say, he’s not the one that vomits 75% of what enters his stomach. And I know i should see more doctors, I know thats what everyone will say but I’m unemployed since I can’t work like this and I already have a ton of money invested in this so I’m not sure if its worth paying another person to tell me they dont know whats wrong. I just need some one to figure this out, I’m only 18 years old I shouldnt be having these kinds of problems. Please help, give me any ideas you might possibly have, anything, just please help me out! I need ideas so that when I find another doctor to go to, I can maybe help them out by giving them the ideas. just please help this has been going on for 7 months now and it just keeps getting worse, I’m running out of options, I just want to die and make this stop!!
A: The only thing I can tell you is to try an internist next. They have the specialty of internal organs and may be able to chase this down. I am sorry
HELP!! Is my hard large blood clot a miscarriage?
Q: I’m 19, and have been having sex for only 8 months. Before my boyfriend, I was a virgin who had pretty bad periods my whole life. They have consisted of major cramping, small blood clots, and a heavy blood flow. I would often be bed ridden and throw up the first few days of my period.The first time I tried “The Pill” was this summer. I had been on it for two months straight without any problems or messing up the pill cycle. Then I couldn’t find my pills for a new month after I had my period which forced me to stop taking the pill for a little over a month. Well, I got a new prescription and have been on it for one full month now. But I heard you don’t need to have your period every month so I decided to try to skip it by not taking the period pills [the inner circle pills of the birth control contaner] and continuing with next months birth control pills. I’ve done this before, and it was fine.But this time, when I took the birth control pills rather than the period pills given to me, I had a lot of pain in my vaginal region and lower back and was nauseous . The pain didn’t go away like it normally would as if it were random period cramping. I continued taking 5 of the birth control pills instead of the 5 period pills. Two days ago [on the 3rd bc pill] I started bleeding.In the last two days, the bleeding has just gotten heavier. I haven’t thought much of it because I am used to having a heavy period but I was confused becasue I was still taking the birth control pill which I thought would let me be period free. Well today, REALLY TERRIFIED ME. I put in a Super Tampon [extra big one] and it filled up and blood started bleeding out all over my clothes in less than an hour. When i went to the bathroom to pull out the tampon, a HUGE clot fell in the toilet. It didn’t look like a normal clot, it looked like it had some inner tubing on it, as if it were what i would think was a miscarriage. it was 3 inches long and very bloody. after leaving it in the water for 20 minutes, i checked on it and some of the blood was gone but u could see more of the “tubing”. When i picked it up out of the water, it was hard. not like a blood clot that you could break with ur fingers. Now my stomache doesn’t hurt. what does this mean? miscarriage?WHAT IS THIS?WHAT SHOULD I DO?I’M SCARRED.
A: Yeah it was a miscarriage you need to see a doctor and explain all this to him.
I do not know what to do?! :(?
Q: For over a year now, I have had vaginal problems! In April of last year, I started taking the Depo Shot, I was on it for 9 months and had 3 injections (I did not have a period at all while on the shot). About a month after I received my first shot is when I started experiencing these vaginal problems. In the beginning it was so dry, and after unprotected sex with my boyfriend I would start bleeding, not heavily though..just light spotting. Well, when my next shot was due, I told them about how I was bleeding and was feeling dry down there and they said it was the side effects of the shot so I just dealt with it and eventually it went away, but after it went away I started experiencing this occasional white discharge with a little itching, and sex started becoming very painful. I made an appointment and they done some testing, and they said it was a yeast infection, they gave me creams and an antibiotic and sent me home. After a week, I was finished with all the medicines, and it didn’t work. So, I tried over the counter creams and it disappeared for about two days and then returned.I was getting so frustruated, but I was just going to decide to go back to the doctor about it, when I got my next shot. After the next two months, things were changing, my discharge was getting realllllly heavy and it wasn’t like this yeast infection they said I had, it looked like lotion and it was just soo white. Then I started getting a fishy odor, sex was still painful, but it never itched. I went back to get my next and last shot, and I told them what was now going on, they tested everything, and she came back and told me that I had BV – Bacterial Vaginosis. She gave me my antibiotics, i went home, took it like I was supposed too. And it still didn’t work!!!!!I never went back there to get another shot. My mom made me an appointment for another ob-gyn and when my next shot was due, I was put on the birth control pill. After a month of being on the pill, my period returned. When I was put on the pill, I told the doctor what was going on, and they tested, said it was BV, gave me medicine. NOTHING! Now, I have been off the shot for almost 6 months, and this problem of BV is still going on! I am soo lost, me and my boyfriend cannot have sex without me getting upset, because the whole time it is uncomfortable and there is soooooo much discharge afterwards. I just got a pap smear back in May, and everything was normal, so I do not know what to do. I thought it was the shot, and that is why I stopped taking it, because before the shot, everything was perfect, now I am just a wreck! :(Has anyone gone through this? Could I possibly have chronic BV, since I have not responded to any treatment? Or do you think they just can’t find the right problem? Any advice or words would be nice.. I am so upset! Thanks
A: Wow. Don’t write a book or anything. lolI had the depo shot several years ago. I hated it. I was dry and constant spotting the entire time. Other sources say that after you’re body gets use to it, the spotting with stop. The point of the depo shot is to not get a period. As for sex. buy some lube. Several different types. Some work better then others. I do no suggest the Warming sensations if you’re having troubles with dryness, It really made it uncomfortable for me. Try switching you’re birth control if you are unhappy. Just stay calm. Everything will work out. =]
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