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What are some remedies for fungus on the skin

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some remedies for fungus on the skin”,you can compare them.

You can apply OTC antifungal creams twice daily. Apply antidandruff shampoo that contains selenium sulfide on the patches. Take a bath daily, this will remove dead cells and fungus from your skin. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-remedies-for-fungus-on-the-skin ]
More Answers to “What are some remedies for fungus on the skin
What are some remedies for fungus on the skin
You can apply OTC antifungal creams twice daily. Apply antidandruff shampoo that contains selenium sulfide on the patches. Take a bath daily, this will remove dead cells and fungus from your skin. ChaCha again!

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Q: I have the kind between the toes and a kind that looks like dry, cracked skin on my heels, also there is an itching just behind the balls of my feet. I know about keeping feet dry and clean and about antifungal creams from the doctor, but would like to know more alternatives.
A: Any body odor – including feet – comes from the bacteria’s that grow in warm, dark, moist environments. Your shoes are perfect incubators for such things. If you can loose the shoes for as long as possible and only wear them when absolutely necessary this would help. When you do wear shoes, rotate with different pairs to let them air out and kill any bacteria inside them. The following link is of people who almost never wear any shoes and there is medical findings as well as anicdotal testimony to be found through the links within, that have substanciated the ill-effects shoes have on our feet and legs. Bottom line, loose the shoes as often as you can.
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Q: HAs anyone had it before? what did you do to get rid of it? Im looking for something that isnt a prescription. a natural remedy perhaps. anything helps. Its a fungus on the skin. makes it lighter in some areas that dont tan during the summer. I have spots on my stomach, back, arms and upper thighs. ITs getting pretty severe. There’s got to be something out there. prescriptions dont help.yes thankyou . but i am aware of the effect that it has on the skin. what about solutions to the problem. my main concern.
A: Yes i have had it… I used selsun blue which irritated my skin and didn’t help… so i used canesten antifungal cream and i also bought a canesten laundry rinse, and it dissapeared almost instantly!! Its not a natural remedy but it definately made it go away and Im so happy ..hope it helpshttp://www.pharmacyonline.com.au/images/can%20hyg.gifhttp://www.pharmacyonline.com.au/images/clotrimazole.gif
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