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What are some signs of a miscarrage

Health related question in topics Signs .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some signs of a miscarrage”,you can compare them.

A:Cramping and vaginal bleeding are the most common symptoms noticed with a miscarriage. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-signs-of-a-miscarrage ]
More Answers to “What are some signs of a miscarrage
I want you to know that bleeding does not mean that u are having a miscarriage… I am now 7 months pregnant and i had bleeding during my first trimester…they told me it is possible but then examined me…bleeding also means implation ble…
Some signs of a miscarriage include vaginal bleeding, cramps, passing tissue or blood clots, and pain in the lower back.
It is very hard to tell unfortunately. It is very possible that because your period was late that your blood built up & then released, which is why you experienced the clot. But then again, apparently so many women miscarriage in the fi…

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What are the signs of a miscarrage?
Q: Ok so I dont want to go into detail since i am upset and sensitive to the subject right now….but can someone please tell me some of the symptoms or signs that you are experiencing a miscarriage???
A: Bright Red Blood (period like) Cramping & a miscarriage is taking place when you pass grey or silver color tissue or clot (that is featl tissue -baby) if that happens call your OB or head to the ER. God Bless
how do you know you are having a miscarrage?
Q: i asked a previouse question and some people toled me i might be having a miscarage…..what are the signs of having one?
A: My wife had a miscarriage with what was supposed to be our first baby. During the first month, there was spotting. Her friends told her it was nothing to worry about because they also spotted yet their pregnancy was well off until they delivered…not so with my wife.Anyway, on the third month we noticed that her womb was not growing; and 2 days later she felt abdominal pain with her vagina expelling what doctors call fetal contents.The main sign of miscarriage is when you notice that your womb is not growing and is in fact shrinking. The main symptom is abdominal pain (and it is not yet time for the baby to come).
Stressed, and pregnant?
Q: I’m extreemley stressed, (you can read my questions “considered cheating” and ” Tips:” for more info on why I’m stressed) but anyways back to my question, I’m 11weeks pregnant, well 12 today, and I was wondering can a woman be stressed out so much there’s no more stressing her, and still not have miscarage, and have a healthy baby? Because I’m afraid of having a miscarrage cause of everything going on in my life, and I dont want to have a miscarrage, this is my very first pregnancy. Also, what are some of the very first signs of a miscarrage? Thanks any advice will help.
A: I answered the question before and I am not sure if you liked what I had to say or not but here is what I have to Say now. Stress can cause a miscarriage, but that is not always the reason. Allot of times your body all on its own will cause it. Some doctors speculate that some women’s bodies consider pregnancy like an infection and your body will fight it. What you need to do is to worry about you as well as the baby. The two of you are very vulnerable right now. That man of yours needs to stop because the stress can put you in a hospital. It did to me. Not for long but it did, I ended up having to find somewhere to go to just relax. I used to go to a spot outside turn on my ipod and listen to relaxing music. Anything that would relax you right now. You need to stay strong and stress is not going to help you do this. Once I realized that I have already got the best part of him( my children) I felt better. I hope that you two have worked out some of the things and if not you need a break from him and his childish ways. Not forever if he’s willing to work on it but for a little while. Once that baby is here you will feel love that you have never felt and its the most wonderful, rewarding thing that you will ever experience in your life. I wish you luck and remember you can e mail me if you need to. ~hugs~
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