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What are the signs of miscarriage

Health related question in topics Signs of Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the signs of miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Vaginal bleeding that may be light or heavy, constant or irregular. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-signs-of-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What are the signs of miscarriage
Sudden bleeding is the sign of a miscarriage. If you are experiencing bleeding and you are pregnant, get to a hospital quickly. It is dangerous and life threatening to go through a miscarriage unmonitored.
Signs of a Miscarriage Bleeding (usually heavy) maybe some cramping Also… This bleeding may or may not be accompanied by crampy pains – a bit like period pains, or the bleeding can continue on for several days before the more serious pain…
・ One of the signs of a possible impending miscarriage is unexplained vaginal bleeding. This can be a tricky… ・ Another warning sign of miscarriage is abdominal pain, which may or may not be accompanied by the aforementioned… ・ Generall…

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Q: Besides for bleeding and/or discharge. Anyone from experience have any details for me?
A: I’ve had two, very early…First sign was I missed a period (and I’m always VERY regular) but had negative pregnancy test results even at a week 1/2 over due. The doctor told me this was an early sign that my body did not recognize it as a pregnancy, probably due to some defect with the baby. THEN, the period started…very heavy, very clot filled. I went through a pad every 30 minutes to an hour the first day. It eventually slowed, and stopped entirely after a few days. There was light cramping. I don’t know how far along you are…both of mine happened in the first month. I hope, mercifully, you aren’t that far along either. I’m sorry for your loss…
what are the very earliest signs of miscarriage?
Q: i got several positive pregnanvy tests last week. im due for my period in 3 days. i wiped after urination and there was watery rusty colored blood. i have had cramps for a couple weeks along with sore nipples, indidestion and pointsof nausea that leave as quickly as they start. am i miscarrying? also i had sex this morning, but it was very gentle so no damage.
A: It’s hard to tell this early, seeing as though you haven’t had a missed period yet. I spotted through the first half of my pregnancy and everything is fine. But a lot of times people miscarry and didn’t know it because they started there period. The first signs of miscarry are bleeding. But you could just be spotting because of pregnancy. Stay positive and Good luck to you!!
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