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What can do to heal a hemorrhoid

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There are many OTC hemorrhoid treatments. You should also increase your fiber intake and take a stool softener if needed. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-do-to-heal-a-hemorrhoid ]
More Answers to “What can do to heal a hemorrhoid
What can do to heal a hemorrhoid
There are many OTC hemorrhoid treatments. You should also increase your fiber intake and take a stool softener if needed.
How to heal hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoid is one of the most dangerous diseases. Hemorrhoid is now become a very common disease between people. The rate of increase of hemorrhoid is increasing day by day. Almost up to 85 % population from all around the world is sufferin…
Will Hemorrhoids Heal on Their Own?
This is something that all hemorrhoid sufferers will have wondered about at some point – will hemorrhoids heal on their own? There is no definitive answer to this as in all honesty, it depends. It depends on the hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids, …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I have a hemorrhoid problem…?
Q: Ok so I know this sounds gross, but bare with me. I have a hemorrhoid right inside of crack on my anal hole. I do not know how to determine if it is an internal or external hemorrhoid… but I believe it to be external since it seems to be right on the anal hole. Now it seems to get better and worse on and off. Of course after having a BM I wipe, and sometimes it causes it to bleed and worsen. What product can I buy over the counter that will help heal this hemorrhoid? Also, I drink a lot of coffee… does this make them worse? (I do match my coffee intake with water intake though)
A: Preparation H helps. I’ve heard that caffeine, depending on how much you consume, can irritate the hemorroid. Bleeding every now & then is normal, as long as its not clotting or not stopping.
Hi I’m 14 years old and I have a small hemorrhoid. What can I do to heal it?
Q: I am 14, and I have developed a small hemorrhoid for about a week and half. It starts to bleed a lot when I take a dump/crap, and it kinda hurts a little bit, but not the pain is not too noticeable. I take a crap about everyday, so I can’t really stop and let it heal. What can I do to heal it? Should I have to force myself to stop taking a dump for a few days? Thanks in advance.
A: Do not take docusate without first talking to your doctor.What is docusate?Docusate is a stool softener. It makes stools softer and easier to pass.Docusate is used to treat constipation due to hard stools, in painful anorectal conditions, and for people who should avoid straining during bowel movements.FOR IMMEDIATE RELIEF, you can also go to grocery store and purchase METAMUCIL. Metamucil contains “PSYLLIUM POWDER”, which is a bulking agent that promotes bowel regularity. It can be used regularly, as opposed to harsh stimulant laxatives. It is helpful in chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.Metamucil — Take each dose with a full glass of water. Start by taking a small amount and then gradually increase to the recommended dosage to allow your system to adjust and to minimize gas and bloating.
bleeding ………….behind?
Q: yesterday when i went to the toilet (2) which admittedly was little bit painful, and it bled like a fair amount after, which freaked the hell out of me. before sometimes i only had a few specks every now and then.and then today it barely hurt and it bled a little bit again like bright red. not as much as yesterday thank god.bare in mind that sometimes i can go 2-3 days without going. and that i do in fact have a healthy diet.the internet so far has told me its possible damage where it ripped inside a little bit or something. as well as, which should heal. or hemorrhoids.i am going to the doctorsbut i would like your sensible opinions on what could be the reason?and what they doctor would do ??thanks x
A: good choice, go to the doctor
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