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What can i take for chest congestion and mucus

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Mucinex is an OTC product used for temporary relief of coughs caused by certain respiratory tract infections and congestion. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-i-take-for-chest-congestion-and-mucus ]
More Answers to “What can i take for chest congestion and mucus
What can i take for chest congestion and mucus
Mucinex is an OTC product used for temporary relief of coughs caused by certain respiratory tract infections and congestion.
Which Musinex is better to take when you have a congested chest a…?
Go with the blue one, it contains guaifenesin which is an expectorant. Basically it helps keep your cough productive. Coughing up the mucus is what is going to help get rid of your infection. The green one contains a cough suppressant which…
Does mucus/chest congestion caus a vomit sensation when eating fo…?
yes when swallowed… I have had hyperactive rhynahoweveryouspellit for my whole life. Along with that there was allergies that made food taste bad… I was diagnosed as a picky eater.

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What medications can adult cats take to treat chest congestions, colds, and to loosen up the thick mucus?
Q: My feral cat has been sick for 6-8 months. She is currently taking Baytril antiboitics. She uses her acessory muscles to breathe/retraction, she gets dizzy spells/hypoxemia, she salavates alot when she eats, she has her tongue out frequently and sometimes driping w/saliva, she has a hard time breathing, makes a lot of noise when breathing. What OTC meds, children’s meds, or cat meds could she take? I trapped her and took her to the vet but they said that they cant treat ferals w/o sedation and sedation could mean losing her. What kind of disease do you think this is? I just want her to live comfortably and as long as she can so i am seeking medication interventions.I edited this:My feral cat has been sick for 6-8 months. She is currently taking Baytril antiboitics (for a week now 22.7mg/day/tab). She uses her acessory muscles to breathe/retraction, she gets dizzy spells/hypoxemia, she salavates alot when she eats, she has her tongue out frequently and sometimes driping w/saliva, she has a hard time breathing, makes a lot of noise when breathing. What OTC meds, children’s meds, or cat meds could she take? I trapped her and took her to the vet but they said that they cant treat ferals w/o sedation and sedation could mean losing her. meaning that she already has respiratory depression and a hard time breathing and to sedate her will depress her breathing more. What kind of disease do you think this is? I just want her to live comfortably and as long as she can so i am seeking medication interventions.
A: Whatever the Veterinarian prescribes!Nothing otherwise!They do not have to put him to sleep, all they have to do is sedate him a little bit.
EMERGANCY: Inflamed swollen sore throat, mucus, chest congestion, and slight cough. HELP!?
Q: So like I said, I have an Inflamed swollen sore throat, mucus, chest congestion, and a slight cough. I don’t know what this is, but I need to get better quick! I have some pretty big things coming up and I can not be sick. I really need help on getting rid of this. Also, I had a head ache too. I took pain reliever for the head ache, and I took Diabetic Tessin? It tasted like shit! I thought I was gonna puck, TIP: never take Diabetic Tessin. EW. So anyway please help me what do I need to do to get better quick!! I have a flight tomorrow, is this dangerous to fly under this condition?? PLEASE HELP :(Also it kind of hurts when I swallow
A: First tend to the sore throat!Do you have vinegar??? Take warm to hot water and add about 1/4 – 1/2 cup vinegar to it. About 2 cups water and gargle. Apple-cider vinegar is great if you have it. Vinegar kills bacteria and viruses and you should notice the pain lessening pretty much instantly. Gargle the whole 2 cups worth and repeat until the pain subsides (1-24 hours). Second you can make a great tea that tends to the remaining symptoms:For the mucus and chest congestion which is almost definitely the reason for the cough make some tea with fresh ginger (chopped and boiled) and Star Anise/Aniseed (spice – also boiled). The ginger acts as a great expectorant to get the mucus out and the Anise reduces the inflammation and swelling in the membranes – also it tastes like licorice and the two taste pretty yummy with a little sugar or honey. Add some fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper (it loosens the mucus to make it easy to expel) and a little whiskey if you like. Take it quite hot if you can at first and then warm-hot and have a few cups several times a day for at least 2 days.Third, perform a nasal wash. If you have a bulb-sucker (the kind you use for a baby) or a bottle with a suck-tip fill it with a blend of warm water, 1 tsp salt and a pinch of baking soda and about 2 cups of warm water. This is where you’ll insert it into one nostril (deeper is not better). Insert it about a half-inch to one inch into one nostril and squeeze so that the water gently flushes your nasal conchae and clear and mucus (particularly, thick or drying mucus) is flushed out. The water will run from either your other nostril or your mouth. When you feel like you can breathe through both nostrils again (and you should) take a little Vick’s Vapor Rub and and q-tip (or your finger) and dip the q-tip into the Vick’s. Swab the inside of your nostrils (both) without overdoing it and swab your cupid’s bow a little bit. You should be able to breath deeply and the Vick’s will start to hlp drain your sinuses.Beyond this peel and mince a fresh garlic clove and swallow with honey or syrup or just pour to the back of the throat if you find the taste very offensive. This will a quick, sharp boost to your immune system. Definitely do this to support the vinegar-gargle. You can also chew and swallow fresh ginger if you can stand the spiciness (it’s very spicy). The potency will be HIGH!!! Don’t swallow too much in fresh form as it can upset your stomach but peppermint tea (or pepto) can take care of that. The natural potency is really worth it.Avoid cough suppressants until you have a dry cough. They’ll only keep the mucus in longer and increase your chances of building up bacteria that should be expelled in the form of coughs.Most of these things can be found in your kitchen – if not run to Whole Foods before your flight.DRINK LOTS OF FLUIDS!!! If your respiratory tract is dry it will cause irritation and the mucus will become tight. Your cough will not be as productive as they should and this will extend the life of your cold. Hot showers will help.Check out this website to see a great, simple and short video on how to do a nasal flush/nasal wash:http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/nasal-lavage/MM00552~Best Wishes!!!
how to get rid of chest congestion?
Q: i think i have chest congestion. and i take the decongestant pills but i keep coughing clear phlegm and no matter how much i cough up there always seems to be more this have been going on for over a week is that normal i thought is was supposed to be like a gross green color that and like clear mucus keeps running down my nose and its got the same consistency as water. what the hell is wrong with me and what can i take to get rid of this. i don’t think i have a fever i feel fine besides the constant coughing and runny nose.
A: Here are tips that help me when I’m fighting a cold or flu….. **PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION IN YOUR CASE TO THE MUCINEX AND WATER ADVICE. it’ll dry you right up. but only if you drink PLENTY of water and other fluids.**take a sinus decongestant containing Phenylephrine 5mg. you don’t necessarily need all the extras it’s often mixed with.but if you want some extras, here you go: Guaifenisen (Mucinex is the brand name, but it’s way cheaper at dollar stores. always read ingredients!!) liquefies your mucus so it’s much easier to expel. But you have to drink TONS of water or it won’t work, and you must be near a bathroom because it makes you pee a lot.Ibuprofen is an excellent anti-inflammatory, but it’s strong, so alternate it with Acetaminophen as needed for pain, pressure, and headaches.ESSENTIALS:stay home. (even one day can make a difference. plus, you’ll keep your germs to yourself.)sleep. (bolsters up your immune system)drink plenty of water. (8 8oz servings a day=bare minimum!!) (pee out those germs and flush ’em away!!)take vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea. (also strengthen the immune system)eat too much garlic. (sorry, but it really is great for your health! and it will give you a good reason to stay home. 🙂 )avoid milk and chocolate. dairy foods will thicken your mucus and make your fight that much harder.the meds and garlic are harsh, so don’t take them on an empty stomach. i hope you allow yourself some time to feel better soon! take care.also i just learned a new tip from JOHN POPPER of BLUES TRAVELER: very hot water, cayenne pepper, white vinegar, and honey. GROSS!!! he gargles it and spits up all kinds of nasty crap. might be worth a shot, but don’t hurt your vocals! to be safe maybe just do hot water with lemon and honey. that works too, and it’s much more pleasant.
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