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What to do for a toothache

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For a toothache take an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever to dull the ache. Apply an OTC antiseptic containing benzocaine MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-to-do-for-a-toothache ]
More Answers to “What to do for a toothache
Take antibiotics and make a dental appointment.
・ Dentists and physicians of every caliber have prescribed oil of cloves for centuries to remedy toothaches… ・ If you don’t have or can’t get oil of cloves, the next best thing is to mix 1/4 tsp. of salt into 6 oz… ・ The ice pack strate…
The most important thing, obviously, is to GO TO THE BLOODY DENTIST as soon as possible. In the meantime, probably the most pain relief you can achieve without prescription is by taking a dose of paracetamol, and at the same time a dose of …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: I hve a very mild toothache – If I go for circuit training it flares up and at the end of training I get this explosion of pain. Although it goes away after an hour its very painful whilst it last.What can I do to prevent that? Any pre-emptive remedies?
A: first kill the pain with spices.dab some clover oil directly on your badtooth. if you don’t have clover oil make a paste with powdered ginger and cayenne pepper.pour the powered ingredients in the bottom of a cup, then add a drop or 2 of water to form paste. roll a small ball of cotton into enough paste to saturate it and put it on the bad tooth. it can irritate ur gums so me very very careful. i’ve been there done that.pain relieving mouthwash.rinse ur mouth out with a tincture of myrrh. 1 teaspoon of powered myrrh in 200ml water 30 mins.strains and let cool.rinse with a teaspoon of the solution 1/2 cup of water 5-6 times a day.peppermint tea help too. and use ice cube to cool the pain. use toothpaste for sensitive teeth…..chewing gun helps believe it or not.press here for relieftry an acupressure technique to stop tooth pain fast. with ur thumb, press the point on the back of your other hand where the base of ur thumb and ur index finger meet. apply pressure for about 2 mins . this will help to trigger the release of enddorphims, the brain’s feel-good hormones( don’t do this if u ur pregnant)
Q: I have been having this pain in my gum/tooth area. It is the worst when I lie down. It is very sensitive to hot and cold. I think it might be in infection. I have tried vicodin, tylenol, Ibuprofen, nasal decongestants, orajel, and the only thing that takes the pain away is when I swish my mouth out with very cold water. But that only takes the pain away for about two minutes. I have not been able to sleep in three days because everytime I try to sleep, my tooth starts throbbing, and when I use cold water to help it, I can only fall asleep for a few minutes at a time, because the pain in my tooth wakes me up. I know it isnt a cavity, wisedom tooth, absessed tooth, or anything like that. This has happened once before but It went away after a couple hours. Does anyone know what this is, and what to do about it, besides going to the dentist. Does it sound like an infection. Will taking Amoxicillin help.
A: Amoxicillin will help for a short period of time and it is not solving your problem. You need to have a root canal or an extraction. Taking pain meds don’t help becasue there is an abscess or infection in the tooth and the abscess needs to be removed before you will feel any true relief. Call your dentist~
What are some good cures for a toothache?
Q: I have a toothache in my bottom 4 incisors. I’ve had it since I hit my teeth with my brother’s head (on accident). The teeth weren’t affected at all, so I’m not worried about that. Do you know of anything I can do to help me with the pain? Thanks.
A: orajel, but i would make your way to the dentist and make sure you didn’t do any nerve damage there, kiddo.take care.
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