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What could cause continuous vaginal bleeding

Health related question in topics Vaginal Bleeding .We found some answers as below for this question “What could cause continuous vaginal bleeding”,you can compare them.

A:Irregular vaginal bleeding could indicate one of the following diseases or conditions: Menstrual dysfunction, Fluctuating MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-cause-continuous-vaginal-bleeding ]
More Answers to “What could cause continuous vaginal bleeding
What really causes an abnormal and continuous vaginal bleeding??
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I am suffering vaginal bleeding for 4 months now, and was confined for blood transfusion last December 2009 for it makes my hemoglobin lowered to 6.1 and until now after the confinement I am still suffering this problem. What is the best …

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Thrush + Bleeding = Herpes?
Q: Many thanks in advance! If you’re not interested in odd goings on turn away now or risk turning a little green.I’ve had two previous outbreaks of vaginal thrush in the last 15 years caused by things like excessive bicycle riding and tight trousers. I no longer ride the bike as regularly so sadly can no longer fit into those tight jeans. Still I had what I thought was an outbreak of thrush about three days ago, signature itching and a discharge (though very minimal) and put it down to the same old friend. After a couple of days of it not going away I bit the bullet and self prescribed a thrush pessary (canesten). I was a little surprised when I spotted yesterday but today have a more continuous gentle bleeding. (14 days into 28.5 day cycle)Whilst the side effects of the product make no note of this as a possibility, being slightly concerned I’ve done a little surfing and have found that there are lots of associations between the two, so I guess that I shouldn’t be worried.The problem is that one bit of information that I’ve come across has indicated that there is a stronger link between herpes and vaginal bleeding, of which some of the symptoms are also itchiness and discharge. This came to light because I was checking out the only other change to my physical health recently my second ever (confirming that I’ve definitely got ’em) cold sore which hit me about two weeks ago.I have been a little stressed this month, but my normal cycle has always been like clockwork and has never been affected by stress before.My itching and discharged appear to have cleared up.I have none of the other symptoms of Herpes, no fever, no achiness, no swollen gums and no lesions. (my very monogamous partner of the last decade has checked carefully for me)What sort of connection is there between oral cold sores and vaginal herpes? (I didn’t think my personal hygiene was that bad, and am a little disgusted.)I know that the easiest way to find out would probably be a quick swab, but I am more than a little phobic of doctors. So I just wanted to get a little background information before making myself physically sick with worry (not over the possibility of being ill, – if I’m infected I’m infected – but over the need to see a doctor)So with this information I was wondering if anyone could shed any extra light on the matter, either of whether herpes is a strong contender or if it’s just a silly pharmaceutical company not listing full side effects.Any help would be good. Thanks all!Whilst I do understand that the only way to truly be sure is for a proper diagnosis, I really really am more panicky about the thought of having to see someone than to let things lie. I was hoping that rather than ignoring and hoping things would go away, I could see if anyone could add any more information so I can make a bit more of a judgement call. As at the moment cleared symptoms + a bit out of the ordinary bleeding that may just be a sideeffect of a harmless treatment, doesn’t give it the urgency to me that it may require. Still, thanks though 🙂
A: I would go to the doctor it is the only way you are going to be sure what is really wrong
how much risk could I have exposed myself if blood came out of her vagina during sex (& I was wearing condom)?
Q: i was having sex with a new partner. i dont know her too well. she told me she’s disease free but in retrospect i’m not sure she’s telling the truth.i wore a condom the whole time. about 30 minutes into (not completely continuous) pretty vigorous sex i noticed that there was blood coming out of her vagina. not huge amounts, but enough that it frightened me and was pretty gross.there was blood on the outside of the condom but i dont think any got inside the condom. i immediately went to the bathroom, removed the condom, and washed my penis.a) what could have caused this bleeding? she said she wasn’t on her period.b) obviously i know i was already putting myself at some risk by sleeping with a woman of less than perfect repute. but have i placed myself in harm’s way even more by exposing myself to her blood? or can i rest assured that, even if she does have some disease, my condom protected me (that is, condoms protect against vaginal fluids, but do they protect against blood?)
A: Yes, condoms work against blood. Either she started her period earlier than she anticipated, which sometimes happens after rough sex, or you tore her vagina.
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