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What is implantation bleeding and the symptoms

Health related question in topics Implantation Bleeding .We found some answers as below for this question “What is implantation bleeding and the symptoms”,you can compare them.

A:It is a small amount of vaginal bleeding very early in pregnancy, about 10 to 14 days after fertilization. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-implantation-bleeding-and-the-symptoms ]
More Answers to “What is implantation bleeding and the symptoms
What is implantation bleeding and the symptoms
It is a small amount of vaginal bleeding very early in pregnancy, about 10 to 14 days after fertilization.
Am I pregnant? Besides the implantation bleeding, what are some i…?
It looks like you ovulated somewhere between the 10th and the 11th, and I hope for your sake it was the 11th and AFTER you had sex, otherwise, Im sorry to say, you might have completely missed the window. Also, dont rely on websites please!…
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Could it be implantation symptoms/bleeding?
Q: I am currently in my first cycle of TTC. I’ve been watching my dates and we’ve had unprotected sex about every other day (at least) since we started trying on Mother’s Day. Anyway, my last period started May 14th (and only lasted 2 days… wth?) My periods have always been pretty normal. My next period is due to come this Thursday, June 11th. Here’s the thing… yesterday I had a pink tint a couple of times when I wiped after peeing. I also had a tiny bit of cramping. Same thing is happening today. My nipples are extremely sore too. Also – yesterday I was unusually hot… I broke out in sweat randomly a few times. I’ve been super emotional for a few days too. All of these things are pretty unusual for me as far as periods go… so I’m not sure what to think. Usually I will start cramping the day before my period starts, then it comes for 3 or 4 days and that’s that. So here’s the question (finally… lol). Is it possible that this is implantation bleeding? I took a hpt today because it’s the 5th day before my period should show up (it obviously came out negative… :(). Is that too soon? If this is infact implantation bleeding, how long should I wait to take another test? I’m not sure the exact date of ovulation, but it was most likely the week of May 25th. With Father’s Day just around the corner I’m really hoping to conceive!! I’m afraid this is going to be the longest week EVER… waiting to see if my period comes. lol.Any help that you can offer would be greatly appreciated!!<3crys***FOLLOW UP***So here I am… day 3 of seeing pink and occassionally some brown discharge. It feels like I’m cramping more though… which has me worried! 🙁 I found a website that says I should take a test tomorrow… so I probably will because I’m too impatient. LOL. I wanna share the link with you though because it has a lot of useful information!!http://www.pregnology.com/ovulate/28/4/14/5/14/2009HappyBee… maybe we’ll be date twins!! How exciting! Please keep me posted on what happens with you! I’m praying!!
A: I guess we are in the same boat. I too had some pinking discharge followed by brown discharge since friday night. My period is not here until the 12th of June. And I have never had an early period.I guess it’s the implantaion bleeding. I have been cramping all day and my back is hurting a bit too. Give it a week and test as it’s very early to test now, I too ovulated on the 25th! :)Good luck to you and me.Keep us posted,Lots of baby dust to you and me!
What is implantation bleeding and the symptoms of early pregancy?
Q: Just wondering thanks.
A: nausea. puking. pee alot.
Is this Implantation Bleeding, Ovulation symptoms or…?
Q: My fiancé started the initial signs of her period on May 19th and finished on May 28th. Her periods have been erratic since she stopped taking DEPO shots in December with the first couple days being spotting, then 4 days heavy, then a couple days light spotting.She believes she started Ovulating on the June 6th. She has had breast pain since May 15th which started with light discomfort and became stronger until her period hit. She felt no breast pain during her period but it started again 3 days after her period ended and it is now quite painful. She has been having strong cramping in her lower abdomen for the last couple of days, sometime radiating around to her back. Today she noticed some pink discharge as well.We had unprotected (by choice) sex on May 31st and June 5th.We’ve heard that this could be anything from an infection to ovulation pain to Implantation bleeding and its symptoms.Had anyone had something similar to this and can anyone give us an idea as to what may be causing this? She sees her Gyno on Wednesday but we’d like to do some research prior to her appointment. We’re quite concerned.Thanks so much.
A: It’s all kinda up in the air. the bleeding after her period does sound like implantion but I am not a Dr. She would not have symptoms until she about six weeks alone or further so the breast soreness I am not sure of. It could be an infection however it does not sound like it.
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