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What is spotting like for pregnancy

Health related question in topics Spotting .We found some answers as below for this question “What is spotting like for pregnancy”,you can compare them.

A:Spotting is a small, light amount of vaginal bleeding. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-spotting-like-for-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “What is spotting like for pregnancy
What is spotting like for pregnancy
Spotting is a small, light amount of vaginal bleeding.
What Does Pregnancy Spotting Look Like?
Generally, the discharge that causes spotting is brown in color and has a slightly gummy or stringy texture (because the discharge consists of a few drops of dried blood mixed with cervical mucus). The discharge may also be pink. If you are…
Does this sound like “spotting” during pregnancy??
You could be prego. HERE are some signs. moring sickness implantation bleeding always hungry swelling at the feet moody

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When did you have implantation spotting? Pregnancy?
Q: I was just wondering around what cycle day have people experienced implantation spotting or bleeding? And what was it like? I had some brown spotting yesterday but nothing yet today. I realise that it could just be my period coming on but this will be my first cycle since my miscarriage if it is my period and I don’t feel like im about to get it, my bbs haven’t even been tender.Thanks in advance for your help ladies!!
A: i didnt have implantation bleeding until i was 13 weeks pregnant
spotting?? pregnancy? period?
Q: me and my hubby are tcc. last got my period on march 25 for 5 days. april no period. May went to the doc and started taking medicines for TCC like Glycomet and Duphston. From 22 May i started these tablets and its just been a week. Today I had some red spotting. what could it mean? can I conceive so soon? How long does implantation bleeding last. Would like to hear options from ur end before i take a preg test!
A: i spent a year ttc with my first son and tried everything from basel body temp, ov.kits, vitamins and i finally realized i wasnt ovulating on the “tex book 15th day” i ovulate on the 8th day after my period starts so if my period starts on the 1st of the month the 8th is when i ovulate.you should have sex every other day after your period ends becasue a mans sperm can live in the vaginal secrections for up to 3 days and by doing it every other day your giving his sperm a chance to build up! good luck and remember dont stress it wont help and have fun thats the best part of baby making 🙂
Spotting… pregnancy worries.?
Q: I’m 22 years old & 7 weeks pregnant. Have had 2 past miscarriages (the last one was over a year and a half ago). Spotted a little bit last tuesday probably because of the omoxycillin they put me on for a UTI, quickly stopped taking it and had my first OB visit on friday. Spotted a little bit earlier that day and was very concerned but the sonogram detected a fetal heartbeat 🙂 …on saturday i spotted again and took a trip to the ER because it seemed like a lot of brown discharge and I wanted to make sure it was okay…once again they did a sonogram and saw a fetal heartbeat….the doctor told me it was just old blood…however it’s monday and once in awhile i’m still discharging a little of this old blood……not only that but i’m feeling a little weird in my upper pelvic region…not cramping or anything major just a little tightning?….could this be from the 2 pelvic exams my doctor gave me?? & also has anyone else experienced what i’m going through????*tightening
A: I have experienced what you are going through several times. Sometimes the pregnancy continued other times it did not. Unfortunately with pelvis bleeding it’s very individual. Some women have so much blood you can’t imagine the pregnancy surviving yet it does, other times there can be the tiniest little bit of blood that can be an indicator that all is not well. I myself bled everyday from 7 weeks till 28 weeks and my DD was born at 32 weeks fit and well. I have also had a pregnancy where I had the tiniest spot of blood at 14 weeks and found out that I had had a missed m/c. You just never really can tell.The fact that you saw a heartbeat is a great sign and means that your risk of m/c immediately drops by 50%. Also brown blood is better than red blood, although no blood is even better 🙂 Take care and try not to panic. Good luck
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