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What is the best treatment for second degree burns

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For second-degree burns limited to an area no larger than 3 inches, cool it, cover it and take an OTC pain reliever. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-treatment-for-second-degree-burns ]
More Answers to “What is the best treatment for second degree burns
What is the best treatment for second degree burns
For second-degree burns limited to an area no larger than 3 inches, cool it, cover it and take an OTC pain reliever. ChaCha!

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What to do about a burn?
Q: what is the best treatment for a second degree burn on an harm and is it ok to pop the blister?
A: Minor burns are treated at home, while moderate and critical burns require hospital treatment. The goal of treatment for second-degree burns is to reduce pain and prevent infection. If the burn was caused by fire, and the victim’s clothing is on fire, smother any flames with a blanket or water, if available, or have the victim use the “stop, drop, and roll” method. If the burn has blisters that are not open, first remove any clothing or jewelry from the injured area. Then, hold the burned area under cool running water for around 10 minutes to stop the burning process. You can also use a clean towel or wash cloth moistened with cold water. However, don’t use ice or ice water because they will further damage the tissue. Do not break open the blisters, or there will be a greater risk of infection. If the blisters are open, don’t remove any clothing that might be stuck to the burn, and don’t run water over the burn. This will increase the risk of shock. Whether the blisters are broken or not, you can place a dry, sterile gauze pad over the burn, but do not use any bandages with adhesive. If the burned area is larger, lightly drape a clean sheet over it to protect it until you get medical treatment. It is important for the bandage to be loose so the burn gets air.Never apply butter, oils, or burn ointments. They make it more difficult for the burn to heal and can actually make the burn worse because the heat can’t escape. Arms or legs that are burned should be kept raised to reduce the amount of swelling. If the face or neck are burned, raise the person’s head slightly. This will also help if he or she is having trouble breathing. If the person appears to be going into shock, lay him or her flat on the ground, raise the feet around 12 inches (30 cm), and call for medical help. You can cover the patient with a blanket to keep him or her warm.
Treatment for the burn on my leg?
Q: About half a week ago, being the smart person I am, I managed to get frostbite on my leg from spraying an air duster upside down on my leg (which for those of you who aren’t familiar with these things, they freeze anything they touch when sprayed upside down).I think I’ve got some second and first degree burns on my leg from doing this, and was wondering what is the best way to let it heal?I’ve been treating the burn with aloe vera, antiseptic healing cream, whisky (not something i’d recommend) and antiseptic cleansing wipes.Every time I bandage it up, the wound tends to try and heal/stick to the bandage, making changing the dressing very difficult and painful.Any advice?Edit: I’d rather not go to the hospital if possible. Picturehttp://i37.tinypic.com/2dmdrmp.jpg:
A: Well that looks like it’s basically open. No scabs, not burned skin, just an open wound. Stop using whiskey and antiseptic wipes. Too harsh. They will damage any regenerating cells. Aloe vera is for minor burns, not for burns that have become open wounds. What you want is an antibacterial cream to help prevent infection. Because burns and open wounds like that are very prone to infection. If you can get anything made specifically for burns, such a silver sulfidiazine, do so (I think you need a prescription for sulfidiazine but I’m not 100% sure about that; you may be able to get it over the counter). Wash it twice a day with soap and warm water and then pat it dry (don’t rub it) and apply the antibacterial or burn cream (whichever one you decide to get) and bandage it. Use nonstick gauze only to bandage it. That should prevent the wound sticking to the bandage. The layer of ointment should also help with that. If it somehow still sticks to the bandage, soak it in warm water. That will loosen it and you will be able to remove it with minimal difficulty and pain.You do not need to go to the hospital but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go to the doctor, if only to get a prescription cream for it. If you don’t want to go because you have a self-inflicted wound, you can come up with a cover story about it. You could always say you accidentally sprayed your leg (which may be true; you didn’t come right out and say you did it on purpose, I just assumed) or that a friend/sibling did it not expecting it to hurt you. The doctors aren’t there to judge, just to help. You can treat it at home if you really want to, but if it gets infected (pus, heat, swelling, redness, red lines extending away from the wound, a bad smell, unexplained fever) you will NEED to go to the doctor.
How to treat a burn mark from a flat iron?
Q: I burnt myself with my flat iron because I was rushing. It’s been over 7 months now and I want it gone. The scar is about half an inch long on the left side of my jaw. I think it’s a first degree burn but definitely not third degree. There was never a blister so it doesn’t fall under second degree. What’s the best treatment for it? I’m seeing a dermatologist soon, can they help? *DON’T recommend Mederma it doesn’t work*
A: I imagine most will suggest surgery.However, there’s one thing I would try first if I were you. It may not work since it has been so long since you got the burn, but you could try. That is Vitamin E.You can just buy the gel caps. Poke a hole with a pin in one end and squeeze the gel on the scar. Since it has been over 7 months, it is no longer a burn, just a scar. But vitamin E does work wonders on skin problems. I was burned 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree on my right leg and ankle. I have scars where the skin grafts were, but where my mom used vitamin E, and the skin healed on its own, there are no scars.
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