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When you’re pregnant and you have vaginal bleeding does it cramp like your period

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A:You generally should not be bleeding or cramping during pregnancy so a doctor should be seen if those are your symptoms. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you%27re-pregnant-and-you-have-vaginal-bleeding-does-it-cramp-like-your-period ]
More Answers to “When you’re pregnant and you have vaginal bleeding does it cramp like your period
When you’re pregnant and you have vaginal bleeding does it cramp …?
You generally should not be bleeding or cramping during pregnancy so a doctor should be seen if those are your symptoms.

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Q: I’ve been using Depo Provera for the past five months and I’ve never been late for a shot. I understand that this birth control is as, if not more, effective than a tubal ligation (failure rate of 0.3 for Depo is used perfectly, failure rate 0.3-0.5 for a tubal). However, lately I’ve just ”felt pregnant”. I’ve had a lot going on lately so I assumed most of it was stress (split with partner of several years and it was an ugly breakup, lately had to deal with photographs of him and other women surfacing, strain on relationship with my own family, strain on work and financial life, etc). I assumed I was either depressed or had a thyroid problem and planned to make an appointment with my doctor (which I haven’t done yet). I haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet, but I plan to in the morning. Since I haven’t had a period since the beginning of summer it’s hard to know when (and if) I may have gotten pregnant. Not having a period for that long also makes one rather paranoid….Here’s what I’m noticing:I just feel….fat. I’m a rather fit person but lately I’ve been very aware of my belly. I’m truly hoping that I’m nowhere near far enough along to be showing (in all honesty I’m hoping I’m not pregnant). Most likely psychosomatic. Along with always noticing my belly…I’ve had a dull…not exactly pain…but sensation. Not quite upset stomach, but more just aware of it and it feels a little funny. Sometimes I do feel like I have mild cramps. Other times I feel kind of queasy, like when you’re going down in an elevator. It’s lower than a tummy ache would be, but it doesn’t feel like it’s intestinal. I’ve been constipated for a few days (too much info?). I have really bad IBS that leans toward the other end of the spectrum, so this is very unusual for me. I’m moody. Satan in high heels. It may be my birth control, it may be a thyroid problem I need checked out, or it may be crazy hormones. I’ll cry at the drop of a hat, get very emotional about little things, and I’m very hot-and-cold. Headaches, every single day. I don’t usually get them, so this is odd for me. Sharp pain in my lower left abdomen. Brown vaginal discharge (no, not spotting. Just like regular discharge, only light brown). I have no STIs or infections. My boobs seem bigger. However, nipples don’t appear darker and I have no breast tenderness. I’m exhausted all the time. I’ll get a full nights sleep and feel dead on my feet in short of a few hours. I’m always cold (this may be related to the thyroid). I either don’t feel like eating, nothing in the kitchen appeals to me (and I’m not picky), or I don’t want to stop eating. Mostly leaning towards the ‘not eating’ side, though. Seeing as I usually eat good balanced meals this is unusual for me. I just have a gut feeling. I know worrying about being pregnant makes your body act pregnant, and I’m hoping this is all from stress. Just wondering if you had any symptoms similar to this. Unfortunately no two pregnancies are the same, and textbooks and websites usually only outline the later ‘early signs’ like implantation bleeding, a missed period, breast swelling and tenderness, etc. Thoughts?Again, I plan to test the second I get the chance.Thanks ladies. I kind of figured as much, just wanted a little reassurance before I called the doc. Unfortunately I have a family history of breast cancer, endometriosis and blood clotting, so this was the only thing they’d put me on (I’ve tried lots of pills and always spot bled). My doctor won’t give an IUD unless I’ve had kids, and franky I don’t want one. I suppose the upside of being single is I can’t get myself pregnant!
A: I would truly doubt that you are pregnant, that Depo shot is VERY effective, as long as you’ve been consistent with it (which you say u r). I was on the shot for about two years. Remember, the shot is full of hormones,so it can mimic pregnancy. Not everyone can use it because of that and other side effects. I know that you r not going to like to hear this (I wouldn’t from a stranger) but I think you might be depressed. It’s the holidays, your boyfriend isn’t in the picture, bad break up, stress that you talk about. A thyroid condition could be a possibility, too. If your test comes back neg for pregnancy, have a serious heart to heart with your dr. See what he/she says. If you don’t agree, see another. I think you’ll feel much better. You might need some meds short term,or someone to talk to get u through this rough patch. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Sometimes us women need to be reminded of this, I know that I do.Good luck to you, sweetie.By the way, I, too had to stop the Depo shot due to a massive weight gain (over 50 lbs.) and feeling moody. I would suggest trying an alternative if nothing else medically turns up.
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