Can a girl miss her period without being pregnant

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A girl can miss her period if she didn’t ovulate that month, or if she is under stress. It doesn’t always mean she’s pregnant. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can a girl miss her period without being pregnant
Can a girl miss her period without being pregnant?
There are a lot of things that can cause a girl to miss her period. For example, when I went to basic training with the Army I didn’t get my period for about 4 months due to the amount I worked out along with stress. If a girl happens to be…
How many weeks can a girl miss her period without being pregnant?
Normally it is a maximum of 2 weeks that a girl can miss her period before she is presumed pregnant. ChaCha!

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Can a girl miss her period without being pregnant?
Q: My girl and I haven’t had sex in almost 3 months, we used a condom (successfully), and She’s had her period 2 or 3 times since then. She’s been excersizing and eating right, but gaining weight. She’s been regular for two years, but she’s a week and a half late. Is it even possible she’s pregnant assuming she hasn’t cheated on me?! (lol)
A: Absolutely at least a hundred different things can cause a girl to be late or even skip periods altogether without being pregnant.Stress, anxiety diet, exercise lack of sleep you name it can make you late or skip a period. At lot of times a girl can be late or skip a period just because your body feels like it, even people who have been regular for years can suddenly become irregular for no reason.I would suggest you talk to her about your concerns and talk it through as a couple to see if there are any factors like stress r pressure that could be causing a delayed or missed period and then try to remove that stress. Of course there is always going to be a small chance that she could be pregnant by you as some people will continue to have periods despite being pregnant and will sometimes have a missed period later in the pregnancy.If your concerned at all then a trip to your gp or chemist for a pregnancy test should give you a definitive answer. My advice is have a chat together and decide if that where you want to go with your concerns. Its always best to be sure.
Missing her period and not be pregnant?
Q: My girl has missed her period. We had sex one time without a condom, but I didn’t “get off” (alcohol and being tired as hell from work). She has PID, so there is a limited chance (If I learned correctly)that she can get pregnant. I talked to her and she said she had been stressed so I gave her some time (about a week ago) and talked to her today, via text message, and she said she was still stressed. I asked what she was stressed about and she told me she missed her period (or late or something because I started freaking out when I read that). So is she pregnant or could that stress be causing it.Thanks
A: We’re not a pregnancy test, how can we possibly tell you if she’s pregnant? hahaYes, stress can cause a period to be late. Along with a number of other reasons.Get her to take an at home pregnancy test. Once she’s late, it should be pretty accurate.Good luck.
my 16 year old friend may be pregnant?
Q: She’s stopped taking birth control a few weeks ago. Friends have asked why, and he looks at them with an upset look and looks down at her feet. she doesn’t admit to anything.She goes to parties and doesn’t drink. She’s ALWAYS down to drink at parties. she’s not an alcoholic but she’s always at least got a beer in her hand. this party, she denied alcohol.The guy who has possibly impregnated her called her the other day. The girl and I not that close of friends, but my friend is. She was with the girl at her house when the guy who she had done with most recently called her and she said that she had to leave the room to talk to him. This never happens with her. Ever. She’s very open, especially with her closer friends.Oh, and she missed her period a few weeks ago. I can’t very well ask her if she’s pregnant, because not even her best friends know for a fact yet. But all of her friends are pretty sure of it, even though no one has brought it up to her. Do you think she’s pregnant? I know these are all sure signs, but I just need other people’s opinion on this matter. What are some other telltale signs of an early pregnancy. i know you can’t see a bump until the third trimester. And I looked on’s information and got all the obvious, “hunger cravings, mood swings, cramps, etc”. what are some other signs to look out for without actually being pregnant? Thank you in advance. Your help is really needed.
A: I have had three friends who have had babies at a young age, and i learned that the best thing to do is let them tell me themselves.You sound worried about her, and i know how that is. But really, the best thing to do is let HER tell you.I’m sure she’s worried about what you might say, or maybe she’s just scared. When she’s ready for you to know, she’ll tell you.(From what you said, yes, she sounds pregnant. But some times, if a girl worries about being pregnant, then she’ll start to show signs of it, when really she’s not. Also, going off of birth control can some times cause things like missing a period to happen. You cant know until she takes a test, or tells you herself.)
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