Can boys get pregnet

Health related question in topics Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “Can boys get pregnet”,you can compare them.

No, boys cannot get pregnant because they have neither eggs nor the uterus. Male seahorses get pregnant, sort of. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can boys get pregnet
Can a boy get pregaent?
Why do teenage boys like to get their girlfriend pregnet??
because they like to have sex and i bet they dont mean to get them prennet
Is their a pill that a boy can take so he wont get a girl pregnet…?
boys shouldn’t be having sex. Men should. Grow up and then learn about procreation. By the way, what is pregnet?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can a girl get pregnet for eating the boy sperms? please answer.?
Q: because she has not got her period in a month
A: No, the digestive system is not connected that way and the enzymes in the system will destroy the sperm.
Is it true tht if u kiss a boy alot u can get pregnet?
Q: preganant*sorry
A: Wow I can’t believe that lie is still out there. Hun u can’t get pregnant from just kissing. Kissing is only the start of things to come. It shows u what is nice and what isn’t about the person. It seems to me if u are asking this question that you don’t know about the birds and the bees and way to young to know what sex is or just wanting to see what people will say just for kicks. Which ever it is the answer is NO u can’t get pregnant through kissing. But if u are curious go talk to your parents or an adult you trust about it. Go to the library and research it for yourself. But i would ask your folks first. its nice that you want to know about sex, but there is a right way to go about it. Asking people online can only lead to confusion because everyone has THEIR OWN opinion about what sex is and how it is. Its easier to get the answers u seek from your parents if u can talk to them or a trained medical professional like a doctor, licensed nurse, or your school’s guidance counselor. Trust its better to get the right answers than get second rated ones and be in trouble. Trust me I know and found out the hard way. Hope this helps.
I have two questions.?
Q: One Can I make it to ware I have get pregnet with a boy? And two My vergina is really oh how can I put this o.k WET what does that mean? Does that mean that if I have sex now I will get pregnet. I had a preiod last month from the 11 th to the 17 th, But I have not had one this month and I took a pregnecy test and it came up neg. Can someone tell me what to do? Thank you
A: you need to fix your english even teenagers dont spell that bad. and to answer your question see the doctor.
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