Can pregnant people get a fever

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Having a low grade fever can be a symptom of pregnancy. Pregnancy is not always accompanied by fever. ChaCha [ Source: ]
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Can pregnant people get a fever
Having a low grade fever can be a symptom of pregnancy. Pregnancy is not always accompanied by fever. ChaCha

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Health and Late Term Pregnancy Question?
Q: I am 28 weeks today. For the past two weeks, I have been recovering from a horrible flu. I had temps up to 103. I was in the hospital for a while, and my asthma kicked in over drive for a bit. The doctors at the hospital had me on xopenex nebulizer for my asthma ( I might be spelling wrong) and Tylenol for the fever. I only had to take the breathe treatments for two weeks. I’m off them now and doing a lot better. But, when I got home from the hospital and was reading my prescription warnings it clearly states that pregnant people should consult with their doctors about the risks before using. Should I be worried?What can it do or cause?Are there any other asthmatics who know about this stuff.. or anyone with any insight at all??I appreciate all of your advice and answers ahead of time!!
A: Don’t freak…all medications have that warning. A doctor is supposed to weigh the pros and cons depending on the problem and whether it is more lucrative to wait for treatment or treat. When it comes to asthma they are going to treat you because if you don’t get adequate air in then your baby will suffer worse consequences. Most of the time medications are only an issue if they are given over time. A one time or limited dose is probably not going to effect your baby at all. Medications with really bad side affects for babies are clearly labelled that way by the FDA. Some seizure medications come with warnings like that and can cause birth defects but that is mostly because the meds are continued throughtout the entire pregnancy, but I have not heard of any asthma meds having negative side affects on the baby. Also you are in your 3rd trimester and drug rules are different in the 3rd trimester than the first. In the first you want to avoid chemicals and meds because your baby’s brain is forming. In the third trimester your baby’s brain and body are already formed so your risk is much much lower 🙂 Hope you feel better.
I’m 20 and I have baby fever..please help!?
Q: I’m only 20, I’m a sophomore in college at the university of illinois for architecture. I’ve been with my boyfriend over 2 years… and i REALLY want to get pregnant. I don’t know if it’s because I’m afraid I’m infertile (I don’t use birth control (it causes medical problems) and use the pull-out method- but not 100% of the time & haven’t conceived) or just that everyone my age seems to be pregnant or if its just natural instincts kicking in… but I really want to get pregnant. It’s definitely not a good time- I still have 2 yrs of undergrad left then I was planning on taking a year off and then going back to grad school for 2 years. and architecture is a time-consuming major! I’m also not even sure I’m with the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with- so i’m DEFINITELY not ready for a baby. Why are my instincts so strong.. I get really jealous when i hear people are pregnant. what can i do to just make myself relax… and to make myself want to wait til its right?so far so good! please keep answering honestly! dont tell me to go ahead and get pregant! or i probably will haha
A: They may all be getting pregnant, but you will be staying smart. All the instincts in the world will tell you to roll over and go to sleep when baby wants playtime at 3am. New instincts will get you up. All those sexy clothes won’t ever fit right again.Having sex with someone you know you don’t want to spend your life with only hurts you a little. Watching your little one wonder why her daddy never comes to see her is heartbreaking.There will come a time when you will have your baby, and your loving husband will be with you, thinking you and he have produced a miracle. The architectural firm you work for will send flowers and call you incessantly. When the time is right you will be so glad you waited, your heart will stop at the thought that you might have been foolish enough to have tossed it all away.
can i be pregnant i know its to early but plz read !!! need your opinion!!!?
Q: hey everyone ok im about 6 dpo i have a regular 28 days cycle last night while i was laying down on my bed with the hubby it felt this pain sore of like cramps it hurt for like a minuet then it went away i felt asleep after that and then like a couple of hours later i woke up coffin really bad like short of air today earlier in the day my hand started hurting like when you twist your hand but i didn’t and it still hurt my breast also hurt the part thats closer to your underarms my temp haven’t drop from the 99.8 or so i feel like i have a fever but im not sick and i don’t think im coming down with a flue i go to the bathroom alot two do number 2 sorry kind of tmi i know this is to early but has anyone had this symptoms this early and found out they were prego i also had this presure or thing i dont know how to describe it on top of my belly butto im also taking metformin sence September i heard some people gotten pregnant on metformin …what do you ladies think … ((((((((THANK U 4 READING )))))))
A: Well…being that you’re only 6dpo, implantation may not have even happened yet. True, the earliest it can happen is 6dpo but it can also happen as late as 12dpo. With that said it’s still too early to really feel a thing. I don’t think those are definite symptoms just yet (esp the hand thing). Keep monitoring your temps and wait it out. Things get crazier and more distinctive as symptoms as the days progress if you are pregnant. Yes, some Women do fall pregnant on Metaformin so you have a good chance. ~Good Luck And Baby Dust To You
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