Why does my girlfriend worry

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does my girlfriend worry”,you can compare them.

The possibility of getting pregnant could make your girlfriend worry. Having a kid is a big responsibility. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-my-girlfriend-worry ]
More Answers to “Why does my girlfriend worry
Why does my girlfriend worry
The possibility of getting pregnant could make your girlfriend worry. Having a kid is a big responsibility.
Old girlfriend emailing my husband. Should I worry??
Yes, always worry when someone who has had sex with your husband is suddenly contacting him again.The people that don’t see a problem with it are usually the people that are doing it themselves lol. Notice how some people are getting defens…
Should i worry about my girlfriend?
I think it is too early to ask her to change her friendship. You might mention your concerns to her in a calm way. You have a right to express your opinion. For instance, her spending the night with a commitment to you seems a little unfair…

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A: It’s called the P factor get used to it…….one of the most powerfull tools the ladies have……isn’t that right lady’s?
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A: If the issue is the fear within you than no question will resolve your concern until you address the root of your fear. I think this is the case since you say she is so not that way.Honestly, but if someone is cheating they are hiding it and not going to fess up (sorry). So there is no magic question.It might help to discuss with her your worries about your feeling jealous. If there are things that are a trigger to your worry that might be something you could both work out.
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A: She is ashamed of your ugly mug
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