Can you get pregnant if your on your period an a guy sperms in you

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That’s right. A woman is most fertile some few days to her period and during her period. To know for sure, take a pregnancy test. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get pregnant if your on your period an a guy sperms in you
Can girls get pregnant during her period? if the guy withraw the …?
No. Sex during period is safe. Only thing to keep in mind is both should be hygienic
Can you be pregnant if your on your period and the guys sperm get…?
there is a chance of grtting pregnant even if your a hevy bleedeer

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can you get pregnant about 3 days before your expected period from the “pull out” method?
Q: ok so on friday night i had sex with my bf unprotected. i never ever ever let him but we were drunk and it was his birthday, we’ve both been tested for stds, and we’ve been together a year, and hes been wanting to have sex “Raw” for a long time. so i made the decision to do it and just take the morning after pill cause im going to start going on regular bc pills after i see the dr. so don’t judge me ok i don’t think this was that stupid of a decision i am a non risk taker when it comes to pregnancy believe me. anyway, we had sex no condom no bc pill and he pulled out. then in the morning we had sex again unprotected and he pulled out. i asked him if he urinated in between the times we had sex because that’s supposed to flush out his urethra of sperm which comes in the ejaculate and lessens the risk of conceiving, but he said he didn’t know that before and that no he didn’t urinate in between sex sessions but he did definitely pull out on time. we had sex later on in the day, and he pulled out again. that time he had peed in between ejaculations. the reason we had sex so much is cuz i figured if im taking the morning after pill anyway i might as well get as much condom free sex in as we can lol so we did it again one more time that night and he didn’t finish at all cause we were late and didn’t have time.anyway, my question to ask is that i was supposed to be getting my period on the 8-11 of february, and this all happened on the 5 of february, and the 6th. so basically did i even need to take the morning after pill? i did it just to be safe but i feel bad like i took an unnecessary large dose of hormones cause i wasnt even ovulating when this was happening. did i make the right decision to take the pills? what would my likelihood of being pregnant be if i hadnt taken the pills? also, if you know the answer to this.. if a guy urinates before using the pull out method to flush out the old semen, does this mean there is no sperm in the pre-ejaculate fluid? cause ive heard it debated many times. what is the truth?i meant pre-ejaculuate**i didnt ask if the pull out method was contraception you ignorant, arrogant, waste of life. I know it isn’t contraception and thats why I NEVER do it. this was my first time after a year of being sexually active and i only did it because i knew i was gonna take the morning after pill. I only did it to give my boyfriend a birthday present and to see what no condom sex felt like. if you’re gonna leave a stupid answer don’t even bother its clear you didn’t even read the question and you already have a prejudice to people who have sex, probably because you dont get laid. ok melanie?
A: Pull out method is not contraception!
If a guy ejaculates on your underpants, can you get pregnant?
Q: You see, these drunk guys grabbed me in an allyway and pinned me against a wall. I managed to get away before they did anything, but when i got home, i realisd that they had managed to ejaculate on my underpants. I was wondering if the sperm could seep through and get in because my period is a little late? I don’t want to report ANYTHING to the police, and my friends already know.My parents know btw. They said report it if you want to. I said i dont want the ebarrassing attention!
A: it is possible, but I would guess it is unlikely.
What is your opinion on my situation?
Q: So,I’ve been with my bf for almost 3 years now and last year, we started to have sex (I’m 19 and so is he). Anyway, occasionally, we use condoms, but mostly he just pulls out before he comes. I’ve read up about pre cum on the internet, and apparently it contains a lot of sperm, but i also read that if the guy pees before sex, the sperm is not present in the pre cum. My bf has peed every single time before we have had sex, and has never come inside me without protection. last month (around july 30th) i had my period. Looking back now, it wasn’t like my normal period. it seemed more like blood that you’d get when you cut your finger or something – it wasn’t thick in texture like it usually is, it was more runny. Anyway, it lasted for about 5 days (about the same length of time as a normal period) and everything was okay. So I’m waiting for my next period to come, and it hasn’t. I’m currently a week late and am really panicking in case i could be pregnant. I’m also aware though that there are other things which can make your period late… stress, not eating properly etc, etc. for the past few days i have been feeling bloated and am having really sudden changes in mood – happy then sad then angry… to be honest i don’t really know what to think. although these are signs of my period coming, i have read that they can be signs of pregnancy too.i was wondering if you guys have experienced anything like this, and if so what happened? I wish I could just see inside my body and find out if I am pregnant or not. i don’t want to buy a home test yet.. I think I’ll give it a few more days.Do you think I am pregnant, or just being paranoid?
A: ok, not to scare you, but the times you bleed, did you have sex before the bleeding? a lot of time in a womans first month or so of pregnancy, she will bleed. much like a normal period but it is more watery and runny. most times it will happen after sex and just continue like a period. this however, is after you have previously had sex and conceived. some women will actually bleed up to a month. go buy a test to make sure. dont get a $2 cheap one though. get a first repsonse or something you know it will work. i know some ppl will tell you it doesnt matter what time of day you take it, but since there is a possiblity you are pregnant, your still not that far along, so make sure you take the test with your first morning pee to make sure you get the most accurate result. read the instructions too. all test are taken differently. i believe with that one you hold the test window away from you facing the toilet. pee for 5 seconds on the stick, recap then place face up on solid flat surface for 3 min. if you are preg., start thinking about what your going to do, but dont panick. its not the end of the world and you will have plenty of ppl to help and guide you along the way.some of the ppl who have answered have been quite rude and harsh in their comments, but i do agree with some of what was said. the pull out method is not a sure thing. if you are not preg just be more careful. with that said though i must confess i am 6 months preg with my 2nd, and we did the same “pull out” thing. but even so, with my first i was on birth control and used a condom….the right way….and still got preg. i also had an IUD which fell out and did nothing but cause me pain. remember, everything out there is made by man and nothing is perfect. you can get pregnant on any form of birthcontrol. good luck!
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