Is it possible to become pregnant on your period

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Most likely no. Although it is not impossible it is very difficult to become pregnant during menstruation. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to become pregnant on your period
Is it possible to become pregnant when you’re on your period??
You can get pregnant during your period, but it is not very likely. I wouldn’t worry too much. Just take a test to find out for sure. good luck.
Is it possible to become pregnant while on period?
yes it is very possible to become pregnant on your period. your period could have stopped due to inplantation. although i wouldnt worry too much because it could be something completly different. where your on your period now, you will have…
Is it possible to become pregnant right after my period??
Yes you can still get pregnant right after your period and pulling out does not mean a thing. There is still the pre-ejac.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it possible to become pregnant during your period?
Q: Me and my bf had unprotected sex 2x in 1 night on the 4th day of my period. Both times he did not pull out. My period usually last 4-5 days, is it possible that i could have become pregnant. Also both times he went inside of me he just stayed there and didnt pull out untill after a few minutes.
A: Yes.You can get pregnant at any point in your menstrual cycle. It is possible to bleed while ovulating.Practice safe sex at all times!!!!
Is it possible to become pregnant a day after your period stops?
Q: I was told by an RN that they ask you what was the first day of your last period because you CAN get pregnant on that day so they use that as a starting point to figure out your due date. So my question is can you get pregnant the day after your period?
A: Well, it’s possible but I think you misunderstood what the nurse was trying to explain.They ask you for the first day of your last period before you conceived because technically, your body starts to prepare for a possible pregnancy with every menstrual cycle. Day 1 of your cycle is the first day of your period. From Day 1 your body moves through a series of steps leading to ovulation, which is approximately day 14. To try and give any possible conception the best possible chance of survival, your body will assume it’s pregnant and the ovaries will start to pump out progesterone, the lining of the uterus with thicken, and it is at this time PMS will start for a lot of women (which is mistaken for pregnancy a lot of the time).If you HAVE conceived and the fertilised egg implants in the thickened lining of the uterus about 7-10 days after ovulation, then the embryo will release hCG into the mother’s bloodstream. This is a special hormone that sustains the pregnancy until the placenta is formed and ready to take over (about week 11) and also signals the ovaries that conception has taken place, so the ovaries contine to pump out progesterone. This increased level of progesterone tells the uterus to keep it’s special lining and so your period fails to start – a strong signal you are pregnant.If you have NOT conceived, then about 12 days after ovulation, the ovaries will realise there’s no hCG in your system and no baby has been conceived, and so will shut down progesterone production. Progesterone levels drop sharply and the uterine lining starts to break down and a couple of days later will start to be shed from the body via the cervix – this is your period. Any symptoms that were side effects of the increased progesterone (PMS) will also settle down.And the cycle starts again with day 1 of your period.An average pregnancy is 280 days, starting with day 1 of your period.As far as being able to get pregnant the day after your period stops, this is absolutely possible, it depends on the timing of your cycle and how long your period lasts. Using the LAST day of your period as a starting point is unreliable, since women’s periods last for different lengths of time. For some women it’s all over in 2 days, others can bleed for 8 or 9 days.
is it possible to become pregnant after you’ve been on your period?
Q: okay, uh. we had sex, the condom broke. and he ejaculated inside me. tried my best to wash it out. is it possible for me to become pregnant from that even though i ended my period less than a week ago? in need of serious help!
A: yes. I got pregnant the day after I ended my period.
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