Can you have a period right when you get pregnant

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The chances of getting pregnant while you are on your pregnant are slim to none. You have to be ovulating to conceive. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you have a period right when you get pregnant
Can i easily get pregnant right before my period?
Ovulation is likely to begin about 14 days after the day your last period began, which is when you’re most likely to get pregnant.
Can you get pregnant right after your period?
You are most likely to get pregnant when you ovulate which occurs 10-14 days before your period. When you are ovulating you will notice that the mucus in your vagina will become thicker, clearer and stronger. You can also track your basal b…
Is it Possible to Get Pregnant Right Before Your Period??
・ When a woman ovulates, she releases an egg. This typically happens during the middle of her cycle, with… ・ Pregnancy can occur right before your period is due if ovulation occurs later than normal. The egg can… ・ If you wish to not be…

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Q: My husband & I had unprotected sex the sunday I was to start a new pill (seasonique). I don’t think I’m pregnant but you never know! I’ve heard people say you can’t get pregnant that soon after your period because you are more fertile 2 weeks after the start of your menstrual cycle, which is when you ovulate. And by being on the pill, you’re not suppose to ovulate, right? The instructions on the pills said to use protection for the first 7 days. If we are then it’ll be ok, I was just wondering if anybody knows if I could be?
A: Yes. I actually got pregnant that way. And here I am sitting with my 2 year old.
Can you get pregnant right after a period?
Q: My last menstrual cycle ended on the 3rd of Jan. My husband and i had sex on the 5th and then again on the 8th or 9th. Is it possible to get pregnant so close to when your last menstrual cycle ended?
A: Probably not, although it would depend on the length of your period. You ovulate about 14 days after the first day of your period. This is the only time you can get pregnant. The egg only lives for 12-24 hours so you have about a 2-3 day window before and during ovulation to actually get pregnant (sperm can live in your body for a few days). If I were you I’d go to the store and buy an ovulation test. It gives you 7 tests and you can start testing for ovulation each day. It will detect a rise in hormones in your body when you are going to ovulate. This is when your most fertile days are and when you should have sex. Any other time of the month will not produce a child. No egg to fertilize, no baby. I would venture to guess that if you have the typical 5-7 day period you are probably most fertile now. Like today if you had a 5 day period, on the 10th if you have a 7 day one. Hope that helps. Good Luck!
if you had sex after you period, two days after, can you become pregnant?
Q: my girlfriend and i had sex two days after her period and the condom broke! we got worried but then i found out that nomally you dont menstrate till about five or six days later, and sperm only last at the most a week! so if sperm only last a week then when dose she really become pregnant, i mean there is only one time a woman can become pregnant right? on her period right? but how likly is she going to become pregnant? and she is supposed to have her period anytime soon like this week, its been about 30days since she had it, but we have been really stressed latly also so please help me? thank you all for how answer! sincerly, Chris. M
A: Actually you become pregnant during ovulation – which often occurs about 14 days after the beginning of the period. Ovulation can vary from woman to woman and even month to month in the same woman. Most likely this particular event of sex was too early in her cycle to cause a pregnancy, but it is possible. Stress CAN cause your period to start later. Is she pretty regular or does her period come at irregular intervals? In my teens my periods would be anywhere from 3 weeks apart to 8 weeks apart. I was highly irregular. After having children I am pretty much like clockwork, every 28 days. If she is generally regular, she can take a home pregnancy test pretty much any time now – the results SHOULD be accurate. That said, I have had false negatives but never a false positive. A pregnancy test measures the amount of hcg, a hormone a womans body produces when she is pregnant. If she tests early enough she could be pg without having enough hcg to register on the test. Good Luck!
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