Can you smoke when you’re pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you smoke when you’re pregnant”,you can compare them.

No. Smoking has been associated with a number of pregnancy complications. One is an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.More info? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you smoke when you’re pregnant
Is it ok to smoke pot when you’re pregnant:10.31.09’re-pregnant%3A10.31.09
No. Smoking marijuana during pregnancy may affect your baby’s growth and the development of his nervous system. ChaCha later!
Is it okay to smoke pot when you’re pregnant?
Myth: Marijuana Use During Pregnancy Damages the Fetus. Prenatal marijuana exposure causes birth defects in babies, and, as they grow older, developmental problems. The health and well being of the next generation is threatened by marijuana…
Why You Shouldn’t Smoke Marijuana When You’re Pregnant?
Smoking marijuana when you are not pregnant is not good, but smoking marijuana while you are pregnant is worse! First of all frequently smoking marijuana may decrease your chances of conceiving. If you are lucky enough to be able to conceiv…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is natural tobacco okay to smoke when you’re pregnant?
Q: leyluLevel 1I’m 6 weeks preggo and need help to quit smoking!?You can’t use the patch or anything like that can you?(1 day ago – 18 answers )10Add/Save * Add to Watch List * Save to My Web * Add to * Add to My Yahoo! * RSSRatings become available once you reach Level 2 Scarlett RoseLevel 3Best Answer – Chosen by AskerI suggest rolling your own cigarettes. It’s not the actual tobacco hurting you and your child, it’s the nicotine and other harmful chemicals they put in cigarettes. Tobacco itself is actually a natural plant which is not harmful.You can buy natural tobacco and rolling paper. This will satisfy your cigarette cravings but won’t harm your lungs, or the baby.(though you might not enjoy smoking natural cigarettes as much because they do not have addictive chemicals. That’s why people can’t stop smoking; because the added chemicals are addictive. That’s why they put chemicals in cigarettes, so people will get addicted and buy more and more. In the end, the cigarette brand makes a LOT of money)Good luck!
A: No tobacco. Period
smoking when you’re 2 weeks pregnant?
Q: i may be 2 weeks pregnant, and I’ve been smoking cigarettes. Is this harmful to a zygote since it doesn’t have lungs yet? Can this ruin the development? If so, how? And lots of smokers don’t find out they are pregnant until 2 months later and they come out with healthy babies. When is a good time to quit?
A: Can’t fix what’s already done.STOP NOW. Better for you and much better for your child.
Chocolate while you’re pregnant?
Q: I know this must sound ridiculous but some woman just had a go at me for eating a bar of chocolate whilst i’m pregnant. I was just standing at the bus stop and she tutted and said thats terrible for your unborn baby, i sort of wondered if she was actually talking to me! So i said pardon, and she said the amount of caffine in that, you shouldn’t be eating it you’re incredibly selfish. It was just a small bar of galaxy, i don’t have choclate every day but when i do i will openly admit i can eat a big bar in one go. But is it really that bad?? I know it might make me put some weight on but thats my choice surely?? Anyone would have thought i was standing there smoking or something.Ok, thank you! I thought it was stupid i was just totally stunned that someone could lecture me over a bar of chocolate! lol
A: chocolate is absolutely fine! enjoy as much as you want as long as you have a balanced diet which im sure you do!i would have been so insulted and angry if i were you and that woman had said that to me, would of flung my chocolate bar of her head lol joking 8-).congrats and best wishes 😀
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