Do you get stomach pains before finding out if you are pregnant

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If pregnant no fever and you are in good health, the pain could be caused by the stretching of ligaments as the uterus grows. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you get stomach pains before finding out if you are pregnant
Did you get a bruise like pain on your stomach before finding out…?
A friend of mine’s stomach got so sore she could not stand to wear pants that fastened from about 2 weeks into her pregnancy. She actually thought it was just ovulation or “bloat” before she discovered she was pregnant. With my fi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

did you get a bruise like pain on your stomach before finding out your pregnant ?
Q: i got this pain out of no where its like if i had a bruise but i dont it just hurts when i touch it… did that happen to you finding out you are pregnant?yes i did have umprotected sex the days i was ovulating. and this month my “period” or what seemed like it came 8 days early and today is wen i should have got it… could i be?
A: A friend of mine’s stomach got so sore she could not stand to wear pants that fastened from about 2 weeks into her pregnancy. She actually thought it was just ovulation or “bloat” before she discovered she was pregnant.With my first, I had killer cramps for the first 2 months. Could have sworn I was going to miscarry. My doctor explained to me that it was just the baby embedding itself into the uterine wall & was normal. Have you taken a test & know if you are definitely p.g.? You might want to go get checked out just in case—even if just to ease your mind.
What kind of stomach pains did you get?
Q: I’m a day late, but that’s nothing unusal. I ovulated 15 days ago. I have been getting these pulsing pains in my stomach every once in awhile. I usually get real bad cramps before my period and I haven’t had any. I’m just wondering if anyone got some unusal feelings in their stomach when they found out they were pregnant?TTC for 10 months for #1
A: well the 1st time i got preg. i got these really aching cramps- nothing close to a preiod- i though i was dieing- really bad in my stomach, then my 2nd time i was preg i had the same exact cramps so i knew i was preg- so if i get another one of those any time in the future i know if im going to be pregnant again.
Did you know in your heart you were pregnant before missing a period and taking a test?
Q: I’m just curious to see how soon second time mommy’s knew they were pregnant. Did you know in your heart that you were before you took a test and missed a period? What made you think that you were? I have a 2 year old daughter already, and even though I’m about a week and a half away from my next period, I have this feeling that I’m pregnant again. We’re not trying, but we haven’t been taking any precautions since June either, if it happens it happens. This is the first time that I have had this feeling since June (that I COULD be pregnant).My last period was September 15th, hubby and I had sex before and after (before you say anything about my ovulation not adding up, please know that I DON’T ovulate 14 days after my period, this is something that we found out with my first daughter). Saturday I started getting cramps like I was about to start my period (I’ve been having them off and on since then), Monday I ended up with bad lower body pains (stomach, back, and thighs) and slight headaches, I’ve been overly emotional this week, I got a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes just reading the everyday news, it wasn’t anything sad to be honest, it could have been the weather forecast and it would have yielded the same results. I’ve been exhausted, and I have been getting plenty of sleep. Pretty much everything that I was going through when I was pregnant with my daughter (I only remember because I was in denial and kept thinking that my period was coming). I’ll be happy either way this goes, if I am pregnant or not, I was just curious if other second time moms knew before missing a period and taking a test.
A: I think you’re pregnant!!! I just tested positive 2 days ago, but knew I was pregnant for weeks already. This will be baby number 2. I’ve been feeling the same way you are now…the big indicator for me is that I can’t suck my stomach in very well…I know that may sound weird but as soon as I get pregnant (both times now) I can’t suck my tummy in! And, I’m still nursing my 7 month old and have been feeling pretty tender lately.You’ve got to be pregnant! Mom’s just know sometimes. Congratulations!
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