Do you need a pregnancy test for an MRI

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If it is possible that you are pregnant, it is recommended to get a test done before getting an MRI. Thank you for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you need a pregnancy test for an MRI
Do you need a pregnancy test for an MRI
If it is possible that you are pregnant, it is recommended to get a test done before getting an MRI. Thank you for using ChaCha!

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period and pregnancy after miscarriage?
Q: On Jan 16 I had my first miscarriage, the doctor said I should wait about two months before we try to get pregnant again, but never put me on birth control. He made the statement, ” if it happens, it happens and we’ll go from there.” Its almost been a month and I have not had a period yet. Recently, I have been feeling tired, breaking out on my face, having bad anxiety, and moody, everything like PMS, but no period. I have also fainted a couple of times. THe doctor ran some tests but can not figure out why I’m feeling like this. Has even done blood work, MRI, but never a pregnanct test. I guess because there is no need for one. What do you think? I really need some advice.
A: Have you had a period yet?? If yes then you could be pregnant if not then your not. The soonest you can get pregnant is 6 weeks. One doc told me after my miscarriage to wait 2 months the other said as long as I have one period I am good to go. Also just another thing I learned in nursing school was that if a baby could develop in 30 days your body is ready to bear a child every month. As soon as you have your period your body is healed and ready to go. So if you are pregnant don’t worry it will be fine. I have sex exactly 14 days after my period after my miscarriage and got pregnant and am doing good and 16 weeks along now. But you should go ahead and take a preg. test. If neg. and you want to try again count 14 days after your period and have sex the 13th day, 14th, and 15th and you should be preggo. Good luck
Please help me, i dont know what is wrong with me :(?
Q: Well, little history, im in my 20s, just had a baby this past summer, and working in the medical field. I have had chronic tiredness even prior to my pregnancy, the doctors ive seen states i just need sleep, or i just need to eat right, blablabla,etc. I can sleep 12 hours and wake up being very very tired…Also i have palpitations, dizziness everynow and then, tachycardia, everynow and then i get so sob when i walk up or down the stairs, and somtimes i get this feeling like i am about to just passout because i get so tired!!!, now 2 summers ago, they found out i had Right intracranial stenosis by a procedure called MRA, at that time my symptoms were headaches, numbness/tingling to left side of body, sometimes i even get stroke like symtoms to my left side of my body, it appears for about 2-3 mins and then goes away, but i havent had those symptoms in a while, but occasionally gets weakness/tingling to my left side. i also get nauseated easily- i have no clue why, i now have this sharp pain to my right hip, it started about september and is still here, off/on pain worse than before. i saw an orthopedic doctor and xray was done, which was normal, and MRI was also done of right hip and they saw some fluids on my pelvic culdesac, since they saw fluids in that area i was then referred back to my obgyn doctor ( have an iud) , they did an ultrasound, and told me everything was normal and they didnt see any fluids in the area??… at the point i wanted to crack my head open. Now im dreading the term Ovarian cancer, right now i feel like i have to pee, i get stomach cramps for no reasons and my lower back has been hurting too.. 🙁 Are all these symptoms in my head and im unconciously just making all these up, and everybody tells me my hip pain is probably related to picking up my 10 month old son, i seriously doubt that because i done pick him up often as i should, and if i do pick him up, i pick him up the right way… i really dont even know what to do now, my hip pain now radiates up close to my right pelvic area and radiates down to my toes, hip hurts to touch, and pain also gets worse when i ambulate. Now on my lab tests, everything was pretty much normal, my mpv was about 6.5, im guessing thats okay since its close to the minimal range. i have history of cancers both sides of my family, also have diabetes, CAD, stroke, HTN, basically all the major diseases we have! my father has leukemia and going through radiation again, his cancer came back again. Could you please help me, or just please tell me what is wrong with me? Thanks
A: Go back to your doctor(s) and get tested to see if you have cancer. I can’t help you much more than that, if it were me I would be researching about the diseases that I(you), have and see if anything serious relates to them, I would also ask your doctor questions and see if you can get medications for your medical problems! I hope everything gets better for you soon! :[
I’m 45 and have always been very regular when it comes to my period. I missed this month…… ?
Q: it was supposed to come around the 12th or 13th. I know I should be worried about pregnancy because it’s the last thing I need. I’ve been going through some testing for a lump in my breast, a mammogram and a MRI. I also take a bunch of meds. for Diabetes2, Fibromyalgia, High blood pressure,Bipolar disorder and sleep aides. I’m not stupid, I know this is all going to effect the baby, if there is one. But has anyone ever been through anything like this and did you deliver? How was the baby effected? I’m hoping to be going through the beginning stages of Menopause!
A: It’s not to early for it to be the beginning of menopause. I started skipping periods when I was about 43.You really should go ahead and take that pregnancy test. Uncertainty is very stressful.
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