How about gossip

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More Answers to “How about gossip
Who is the casting director for the show Gossip Girl
Lindsey Hayes Kroeger, David Rapaport, Meg Simon, Bonnie Finnegan, Steven Jacobs, and Mele Nagler are the casting directors.
How to deal with gossip?
The best way to deal with gossip is to ignore it. Whether it is about you or someone else, arguing the point only adds fuel to the flame. People who gossip have nothing better to do with their time, and if you don’t give them anything to ta…
What is gossip
Gossip is defined as a rumor about somebody or something based on inaccurate facts or intentional lies

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How do I write a monologue about gossip to do with Much Ado About Nothing?
Q: For English, we have to write a monologue about gossip from one of the characters from ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ preferably Hero or Beatrice.Help?
A: Ooh! I love this one.Write about Hero telling Beatrice about Benedick.Beatrice sort of secretly likes him and Hero knows that.And Hero also knows that Benedick has deep affections for Beatrice.Write a monologue about what might happen if Beatrice and Benedick were together.Well, I hope that helps!Have fun writing!
How to handle gossip and someone talking bad about you?
Q: this girl keeps talking bad about me. she posted a comment on this girls pic on myspace, and said something very mean about me. i dont get why she hates me, when i didnt do anything to her. so i sent her a message saying “what is your problem? why do you keep talking bad about me? i didnt do anything to you.” and ya. how to handle gossip? and have you ever been gossiped about?
A: oh yeah, i’ve been gossiped about! i had a “friend” who went around to all my friends trying to persuade them not to be my friend because i was two faced, but she had nothing to back it up on.people like that need to make other people look bad, so they can feel good about themselves. but you can’t give them that satisfaction! when someone gossips about you, you have to hold your head high, and ignore it. your true friends won’t listen to it. when people approach you and for example, and ask ” did you really… or are you really.” you have to smile and laugh and say, “is that the new rumor?” or ” the rumors these days.” and walk away. you can’t let the gossip get to you. if you do, it continues longer.
How Do You Feel About Those Who Gossip or Talk About You?
Q: This is a very curious question, I would like to know how does it make you feel when someone you love or care about gossips bad things about you, or how does it feel when just people in general gossip about you. Whats your take?
A: I used to let it get to me and from time to time it still does. But I realized that I have to be true to myself. I’m not going to say anything about anybody behind their back that I wouldn’t say to their face. I don’t engage in character assassination or slander because I know I’ll reap what I sow. I don’t like being talked about so it’s only fair that I don’t say anything negative about anyone else.People who gossip and talk about me behind my back must think I’m very special. They must feel threatened by me for some reason. They probably need that self-esteem boost and they get that by putting me down. It’s kind of annoying but they’ll reap what they’ve sown. If someone has anything to say about me they should say it to my face. I don’t bite or fight. We can talk about this like adults and resolve the issue so that we can live or work peacefully. If I’ve done anything to hurt anybody, I would like to be the first to know about it. I confront people so I don’t mind being confronted. Good question.
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