How do i prepare to get pregnant

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To Try and Conceive stop smoking, drinking, and start taking prenatals. Basically treat you body how you would if you were pregnan [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do i prepare to get pregnant
What to do to prepare to get pregnant?
Hi, Heres a list of all the things you can do to get your body ready for pregnancy! ・ 1. Visit your GP ・ 2. Start taking Folic Acid (folate) ・ 3. Investigate / Check Your Private Health Cover ・ 4. Smoking ・ 5. Stop / reduce alcohol cons…
How to Prepare Yourself To Get Pregnant
・ 1 GET HEALTHY – If you are too thin, too fat or not having a period, this is not the time to get pregnant… ・ 2 STOP TAKING BIRTH CONTROL PILLS – I know this seems like an obvious step however it is important for… ・ 3 BEGIN or CONTINUE…
How to Prepare your Body to Get Pregnant
・ 1 Quit smoking. Smokers are 50% more likely to miscarry and the eggs of smokers are more likely to have… ・ 2 Give up alcohol. Women who consume more than 3 drinks daily are more likely to have trouble getting… ・ 3 Refrain from using r…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What can i do to prepare for getting pregnant?
Q: I have been on BC for 10 years. My husband and I would like to get preg. in June or July…what can I do to prepare and how long should I stay off my BC before hand?
A: Four steps:#1 – Stop the BC#2 – Begin taking Prenatal vitamins#3 – See your doctor and let him know you are trying Allows doctor to adjust medications if you have an outstanding medical condition#4 – Lower your expectations. The literature that tells you all the things about how to make a baby (how it happens, when is the best time to do the baby dance, even how to try to effect the outcome of boy v. girl) usually neglects to fully explain how complicated the process really is and how frequently it fails. As an example, the latest studies suggest that as many as 75% of all conceptions fail to result in a baby. MOST of these conceptions result in a miscarriage before the woman even knew she concieved. The though is that the reason so many conceptions miscarry is due to genetic defect (bad sperm or egg, bad fertilization such as two sperm penetrate the egg at the same time, etc). While you can control the timing of intercourse to maximize the likelyhood of pregnancy, the odds are against you in any given month. By the odds, it should take you an average of 3 to 6 months to get pregnant. Sure, SOME people get pregnant their first month trying, but those people are in the minority. So as you prepare for parenthood, drop the notion of planning exactly when you are going to have a baby because your plans will most likely fail.
How long before planning on getting pregnant should you prepare?
Q: I know I need to be healthy, and we are probably not going to try to get pregnant for about a year, but I was just wondering when should I start preparing and what should I do.
A: I would suggest about a year out. Go to the doctor for a yearly visit – make sure that everything is well and that there aren’t any potential problems lurking that could prevent conceiving. Also, up your folic acid – its a good idea to get on prenatals before getting pregnant. It helps to prime your body. Get on a good exercise routine and fix any major milestones in your diet as diet (nutrition) is key to a healthy pregnancy and baby.Fix financial flaws. Sure, if you have a baby you just have to make it work, but if you’re planning, why not do the work ahead of time. Babies are super expensive – two ways to cut costs are breastfeeding and cloth diapering, but that’s just a suggestion. 🙂 Plan for a good 5,000 for the baby’s first year. Make sure that you have insurance to cover pregnancy and birth expenses. If you work, make sure you understand your company’s maternity leave policy and be willing to negotiate or save up hours if you can make your maternity leave longer. Strengthen your marriage. Work out little kinks that continuously pop up. The way to keep a strong marriage through babyhood is to go in with one. 🙂 Seek out a pre-pregnancy class. Many hospitals offer these classes for parents just like you. They can give many more details.
26 weeks pregnant & preparing for custody case?
Q: Hi All,I have consulted a lawyer and he says that my case is a slam dunk. Although I still worry & wake up nights with anxiety (I know its not good for my baby).My ex is a very bad drug addict/dealer & drinks everyday. He even has taken open containers in the car with him. His family has cut me off because they think I am a B@tch making accusations against their “perfect” 34 yr old son. He has since been caught by a mutual friend of ours smoking pot & drinking & he was running his mouth about how he is going to take the baby from me to hurt me.My evidence against him is this:I have atleast 7 statements from people saying they seen his drug use, seen plants at his house (he deals) and they have seen him drink & drive & drive high. They also say that they have been offered pot by him & have witnessed his emotional and mental abuse towards me. Two of the statements are from minors (16 &20– the 20 yr old was also poured a drink by my ex who told her she could drink at a party and she doesnt drink alcohol ever.). The statements are very detailed with dates & all that.I also have a photo that I took of him (not on purpose but like a gift from god) with his pot plants in the background. A detective that has seen the pic has said yes it is def. pot.My lawyer wants sole custody to me & for my ex to get 1 supervised visit a week.My lawyer said he can get this for me.. but my anxiety and stress from this whole thing has really taken it’s toll.He also has a criminal history of assaults and other things.What do you think?I have a stable home environment that is safe & drug free.I can pass a year long hair follicle test.I have no criminal history.I dont suffer from any mental illnesses.I have a good job.He is also contesting the paternity and wants a DNA test done which my lawyer said makes him look even worse for wanting custody bc he denied the child was even his at first. (It is his. He was the ONLY one I was with in 2009!).He hasnt contacted me since Dec 2nd. Im not expecting him to. Our relationship is not civil & I feel that there is no compromising with someone like him.–this shows how joint custody in this case just will not work. He doesnt communicate with me at allll.what do you think??I am not saying I dont want him to have visitation– my lawyer said he is going to push for 1 supervised visit a week and that I am fine with. who know’s if he will even show up for that.
A: I think you should trust your lawyer. Women still have the upper hand when it comes to custody, especially if the child isn’t even here yet and there is no way to tell who will be the better parent. They are not going to hand a newborn over to the father unless there is something seriously off about the mother.I won’t tell you not to worry, because you will anyway, that’s just natural. He may get visitation, and he should (supervised I would hope!) if he wants it because baby deserves a relationship with daddy, but I don’t think you have to worry about losing custody. Joint custody would be the absolute worst case here, I would think, but given his lifestyle, I doubt that will happen.Good luck!
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