How long do you have to wait to know if your pregnant

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After 2 weeks, you can be certain a pregnancy test is correct. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long do you have to wait to know if your pregnant
Wait until your next menstral period. If you’re late on it wait a week (minimum) & buy a pregnancy test. If results come out negative, wait a couple more days. If it says possitive go to the doctor to double check. If you want to get an…’re_pregnant&src=rss0
it sounds like a very good chance that you are pregnant i found out weeks ago that i am pregnant with my 2nd and i don’t have cramps, sore boobs, but i have been feeling really sick but i have not thrown up yet and tired i always want to ha…
A lot of women find that a urine test- even an early one- doesn’t test positive until they are about 6 weeks along. Wait until you miss your period and then take a test. If it’s negative, try again in a week. Kinda frustrating, I know.

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what do u think.. my bf has 4 kids and i am nearly 19-he’s 24.?
Q: its a complicated situation, and one of which I am not sure how to break to my parents. I’m deeply in love with him and I love kids, so the idea of him having a family does not phase me. But me being 18, how would you react as a parent or a friend? I haven’t told my parents because I don’t talk to them much as it is because we don’t get along, but I want nothing more than for them to see and know how happy I am. We have been dating now for about 6 months. I know it looks bad that I haven’t told them but I’m scared because they are Christians and have unshakable morals… does this look bad to christians? I am still a christian but the way i live is changed slightly i guess. I am just worried they won’t accept him into my family.He is a beautiful person and we have something amazing which we know will last a long, long time. Therefore the obstacles won’t tear us apart. We have been through a lot already with his friends being against us and i have lost some friends too, but its worth it. I would just like to know any kind of opinions on this relationship- I’m not considering breaking up, I just want to know how it looks and if people think it can work. He is also not yet divorced ( he had a wedding at 18 a few months after his partner fell pregnant if that makes any more sense.) but in Australia, you have to wait at least a year from the official separation before you can file for a divorce. so it is not their choice to wait.. Soon it will happen though.On top of this, we have discussed our future and the fact that I want marriage and children one day- he said it would be hectic to have more kids but he is willing to because he wants us to have our own children one day- and he wants to end up marrying the girl of his dreams, which right now is me. it may be early to be talking about this stuff after 6 months but in this situation we have to be sure. I am mature for my age and we fit perfectly it seems- but to others it may bot. please tell me your views! thank you :)and BY THE WAY he had them all to one woman and she is lovely but they didn’t work out from the start- he is not the type of guy to run and leave a wife and kids- it was a mutual decision. don’t jump to conclusions ‘cindylu’ what i have told u is how it is. far out woman.
A: I’m just going to be straight-up honest with you; it’s almost definitely not going to work. You may be really mature for your age, but you have to realize that you’re only 18. I remember thinking that I really had a good grasp on things when I was 18, too. At 21 or 22, I was so different from the kid I was at 18, I barely recognized myself. That’s not a unique thing; it happen to tons of people.At this point in your life, the age gap you’re looking at is pretty large. Later in life, it doesn’t matter so much, but for now, whether you know it or not, you’re still growing up. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be in a relationship with a married man who has four kids to boot.You’ve got to be practical about this. Do you really want to tie yourself down at this young age to not one, but FIVE people? You’ve only been seeing this man for six months. (Meanwhile, if the man was mature, he would have kept some distance between you and his kids or their protection in case this didn’t work out.)Say you got married. What kind of quality of life could you have with four children and then more of your own? These are really things you need to think about before you get too far involved with this guy.The divorce rate for a man who has already been divorced is 60%. Add in stepchildren, and the divorce rate shoots up. Toss in your age (let’s say you got married at 20, 21) and it’s just about out of the park. Just from that information alone, you can tell that this is most likely a losing battle. (Check out the statistics I’ve linked to this for you.)You’re young. You don’t have baggage yet. Get out, have fun, find a single guy and be a happy teenager. You’re too young to be a mom. One day, you’ll look back and wonder what you were thinking. Good luck to you!
how long do you have to wait to know your pregnant?
Q: If your pregnant or don’t know for sure, how many days or weeks does it take for you to get symptoms and how early can you take the test at HOMe.
A: i was extremely nauseous less than two weeks after conception and my breasts hurt about 4 weeks after conception; the earliest a hpt can determine is a few days before your first missed period.
How long do you have to wait after having sex before you know your pregnant?
Q: I want to have a kid and im not shure when to take a pregency test. Should i wait 2 weeks or what? i just had my period and i cant wait long enough for my period to see if im pregnat
A: I takes around two weeks before a pregnancy test could be positive. This is the timeline for figuring how long…1. Conception occurs when the sperm fertilizes the egg, however, sperm can live inside your body for up to 5 days. So, add 5 days to the date you had sex.2. It takes anywhere from 5-10 days for the embryo to implant in the uterus. Add 5-10 days.3. After implantation it takes 2-3 days for the pregnancy hormone to build up enough so that a very sensitive “early” test will detect it and show a positive result.If you add the maximum number of days together, you will get 18 days. If you test any earlier than that, you may get a “false negative” meaning you are pregnant, but it’s still too early to detect it. Save yourself from stressing and wait until your period is a few days late.
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