How likely is it for a women to get pregnant right after her period

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It’s not likely to get pregnant right after your period. Ovulation usually occurs 14 to 16 days before your next period is due. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How likely is it for a women to get pregnant right after her period
Is it more likely for a woman to get pregnant right after her per…?
Hi, Your question is: Is it more likely for a woman to get pregnant right after her period? It is more likely for a woman to become pregnant during her fertile (ovulation) time.
Is a woman less likely to get pregnant right after her period?
It’s not likely for woman to get pregnant after her period. Ovulation occurs around the middle of a woman’s cycle MORE?

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Q: Im 20 years old and ive been with my boyfriend for 3 years now. I personally dont smoke but he does. Sad to say but he smokes marijuana and ‘blunts’. Not one of his strong suits but hes a really great guy. Thats something i told him he needs to quit and hes working on it. Well, we’ve been having alot of sex in the past 2 weeks. I’d say atleast 20 times. For some reason, i always want it. Its been unprotected.Now, one of my bestfriends [and her mother as well] can sense when someone is pregnant. They have these unusual dreams and they end up being right EVERYTIME. They both have recently been having those dreams.I just got off of Depo-Provera in the middle of October after being on it for only one shot. No period yet. I’ve read that it takes about 10 months on average for a woman to become pregnant again.I’ve been excessively eating for the past few weeks.Given that he smokes, I just got off of Depo, and their dreams, what is the likelyhood that i could be pregnant?Im asking this because i’ve heard the him smoking marijuana and ‘blunts’ hurts the chances of pregnancy.. you guys are being rude when im asking a serious question
A: are you kidding right. doesn’t matter how much he smokes….you have unprotected sex…you could be pregnant
can you read my essay?
Q: i asked this question a while ago and corrected a few mistakes the other essay had. please tell me what i need to correct or improve on, if you have time. thank you so much :] I was on the bathroom floor, curled up in a ball and crying my eyes out. The pain was excruciating, but that wasn’t the only reason I was crying. I knew I had just had a miscarriage. Women aren’t supposed to bleed when they’re pregnant, and I was bleeding. I felt around for my cell phone in the right pocket of my dirty basketball shorts I left lying on the ground. A cough drop, my chapstick, and finally, my phone. I held down the number two key and it started calling my boyfriend. I was still getting used to the fact that he lived just 15 minutes away from me. He had been living in Arizona since I met him, but moved in with his cousin when he found out that I was most likely pregnant. I desperately needed to talk to him. The phone rang and rang for what seemed an eternity. I was expecting to hear the answering machine, but then I heard a noise and a few seconds later, a mere, “Hold on.” I waited. Waited some more.My right hand was on the phone and I had the other pressured against my lower stomach. It seemed to ease the pain a little bit. It felt like I was having extremely painful menstrual cramps, times two. My whole body was tense, and I couldn’t loosen up even if I wanted to. I let out half a moan, but stopped myself from fear that somebody would hear me. Too late. I heard a knock on the door and then my mom’s voice. “Coral, are you okay? You’ve been taking a shower for over an hour.”Trying to sound like my cheery self, I giggled and said, “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m just shaving, but I’ll be done in a little bit.”I couldn’t let anybody know what had just happened. Pregnant at fifteen just isn’t cool.“Ooookaaay,” she replied, not sounding too convinced. I watched her footsteps leaving from underneath the door. The pain was starting to subside, so I sat up against the bathtub. I looked at the phone to see how long I had been on hold. 02:14. I thought to myself, “Hmmm. Valentine’s Day is 2/14. That’s in like two weeks. I wonder what I should get him. I think he said something about his cologne running out.”Just then I switched back to reality and was ashamed of myself. I was positive I had just lost my baby and there I was thinking about a stupid holiday. I hadn’t taken a pregnancy test or anything, but three months without a period is enough proof for me. I was actually getting excited about having a baby. My boyfriend had already started thinking about names, both for girls and boys even though he really wanted a son. He would tell me about his daydreams, which included everything from buying me pregnant lady clothes to playing with our baby at the park.I suddenly felt so guilty, as if it was my fault I lost my child. I had heard that pregnant ladies can’t take hot showers because it can “cook” the baby. I had also been really stressed out because of school, nonetheless the baby. I started thinking of all the possible reasons, and every single one was, in some way, my fault. I was angry at myself for something I really had no control over. I heard noise on the phone again and then that same familiar voice, “Sorry baby, I’m at work and the boss was talking to me. What happened?”“Oh nothing, I just wanted to tell you I loved you.”“Babe what’s wrong? You sound like you’ve been crying. Is everything okay?”I hesitated a moment. Should I tell him?“No I’m fine, I’m just sick. Well call me when you get out, I miss you,” I blew him a kiss and hung up.I just couldn’t seem to tell him over the phone. It had to be in person. I quickly texted him to stop by my house after he got off of work so that I could talk to him. I cleaned myself up, wrapped the towel around my body, gathered my clothes and hurried to my room so that nobody would see my red nose or swollen eyes. My head was throbbing and I was just really sleepy, so I put the alarm on my phone to 6:30 pm, put on my pj’s and drifted off to sleep. I remember dreaming about my cat getting lost, and then I woke up to the sound of the ringtone I had for my boyfriend, “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You.” My heart began racing as I answered, knowing he was already outside waiting for me. I told him I would be right out as I slipped on my furry Betty Boop slippers. I ran outside and jumped into his car.“Oh my goodness, it’s freezing outside!” I said in a croaky voice. “I know and you sound like a man!” he said jokingly.He adjusted the seat so that it slid as far back as possible and made a hand motion, signaling me to sit down on his lap. I crawled over and got on top of him. I hugged him and sank my face into his chest. He was much bigger than me. I wasn’t fully awake yet, and I just wanted him to hold me forever right there in the driver’s seat. Somehow I was relieved that I wasn’t going to have a baby anymore. It had been an acaccident in the first place, and I had been dreading my family’s reaction to it, not to mention everyone at school. The thought of gaining weight and stretch marks made me get goose-bumps. All of a sudden, I didn’t have to worry about any of that anymore. Nonetheless, I still felt empty. Like a part of me had just disappeared forever.I looked at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.“Baby, I have something to tell you.”“What is it? Does it have to do with the baby?”I stared at him, and my eyes began to water. I couldn’t respond. I didn’t have to. He squeezed me tight and began to cry. It’s amazing how someone we had never even seen or touched had that much of an impact on us. It was as if the baby had made us even closer to one another, but losing it made us both stronger. We still think about it to this day, but realize it was nothing I could’ve controlled, and possibly happened for the best.
A: I’ve read it and yeah, sometimes it feels comfortable enough just to be held and hugged. I remember the song “The smile on your faceLets me knowThat you need meThere’s a truthIn your eyesSaying you’ll never leave meThe touch of your hand saysYou’ll catch meWhenever I fallYou say it bestWhen you sayNothing at all”
medical/surgical abortion advice?
Q: I posted yesterday about a medical abortion.I went to my appointment today at Planned Parenthood and it went so well. I did not take Mifeprex. I don’t think it’s the best option for me.My ultrasound shows that I’m five weeks and two/three days. All me and my boyfriend saw was my uterus and a tiny, round sac. The NP took a picture. There are not twins. She said something about a yolk, and that my embryo is smaller than the size of an aspirin tablet. I had blood taken, and was happily surprised that it was via a plastic stapler like thing as opposed to a stupid needle. (I hate needles). After the blood work (they told me I have perfect blood pressure, good iron levels and I’m Rh positive), I was brought into a consultation room. The woman who came in almost immediately said I needed to speak to a nurse because my questions were so specific and I had to wait about ten minutes for the nurse to come back in. It was the same one that did the ultrasound. I asked about a million very specific questions about the way they administer Mifeprex and it was clear to her that I was not comfortable with how it works. We’ve decided that if I’m going to have an abortion, a surgical abortion would be better for me, but I’m a little too early to do it right now. I’ve decided to sit on this for a week and make my decision.All in all, I was very pleased to find out that they were very kind and accommodating. I asked if my boyfriend could be in the room as much as possible and he was there for every part I needed/wanted him to be. There was no heartbeat on my ultrasound and we couldn’t actually see the embryo; it may be a bit too soon.So I just wanted to let everyone know that that’s what I did and that’s how it went. No one pushed me to do anything, and in fact they were more concerned that I should take more time to think (luckily I have more time).Let this be a message to the world though. Even though I have regular periods, I conceived on approximately day 27 of my cycle, which is extremely late. We used a condom and the likely reason it did not work is because I usually want him to “stay inside” me for almost a minute after he’s ejaculated, and by the time he comes out, his erection has diminished/subsided; some semen probably (we think) leaked-out. I never imagined that as possible, but it seems like the only way this could have happened since it did not “slip-off” or break (as far as we know).By the way, I’m not sure if this is normal, but now that we know I’m pregnant and we’ve only had sex with each other, we did have unprotected sex recently and it was very messy. Is it normal for his fluids to come out of me after he’s ejaculated inside and then pulls-out when he looses his erection? I feel like I’m allergic to him or something. If we don’t end up staying together after all of this is said and done and/or if I do have an abortion, I know that I will never have sex again. I definitely don’t believe in condoms anymore, even if he pulls out right after he’s ejaculated and I’ve never been for hormonal birth control. Yes, even though we waited a VERY long time to lose our virginities to each other, I wish I had waited until I was married and at the same time was ready to have children with my husband. I have absolutely learned my lesson. I don’t want to make either decision (to keep our little one or abort it); I definitely do not ever want to go through this again, so I will never have sex again, unless and until I’m married to him, and I don’t even think that will happen. I should have been a vestil virgin, or at least waited until I found the right one for sure and married when we both knew we’d be ready to have and raise a child. The weird thing, though, is that I never wanted children. I wasn’t even sure if I ever wanted to get married, but I felt like my relationship was a close to perfect as it could be and I did not want to deny him, and I never thought that I would be pregnant after using a condom. I get it, I screwed up, and now me and my baby are paying for it. I’m selfish, but the truth is I really, really don’t want my kids to grow up having anything but an as close-to-perfect life as possible. I’d rather them never be born and never feel hurt than live in this world, full of bad people, including me. This sucks, and if I could go back, I would have made a different decision, but it’s done and my child will never have the life it deserves, whether or not I end it. All I want to do is cry, and I deserve to be in this pain. I hope no one ever makes the mistake I did.
A: well anyway……im glad they treated u nicely at PP and i’m glad you r thinking about your options and i hope in the end, u decide what really is right for u and come out a better person. Good Luck
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