When pregnant can you eat seafood

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You can, but you want to avoid seafoods that are high in mercury. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-pregnant-can-you-eat-seafood ]
More Answers to “When pregnant can you eat seafood
Can i eat seafood while pregnant?
NEVER eat seafood while you are expecting. Check with your doctor but it is always a bad idea in case of bacteria that can harm the baby.
Can pregnant women eat seafood?
Yes a pregnant woman can eat seafood if they want to. The only exceptions to this would be if she is allergic to seafood and if seafood now that she is pregnant makes her sick. During pregnancy many women cannot eat foods that they once lov…
Should Pregnant Women Eat More Seafood?
Currently, the Food and Drug Administration advises pregnant women to limit their weekly seafood consumption to no more than 12 ounces, or about two servings, per week. The newest recommendation comes from the National Healthy Mothers, Heal…

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Q: So they say no soft cheese, does this include feta? what if the cheese is cooked in a meal?Seafood, does this include prawns and fish?Processed meats, does this include salami and frankfurts?Coke, soft drink?I have just heard so many different things!!
A: Unpasteurized products are made from raw milk; if the milk process was not performed properly and the milk is ‘dirty’, then it may be infected with listeria. It is therefore advised that pregnant women not consume the following unpasteurized products: •raw milk•soft cheeses : feta goat cheese, brie, camembert•Mexican-style cheeses : queso blanco and queso fresco•unpasteurized juiceCoke has caffeine! if you cant stay away from soda’s like me just try to drink sprite, 7up it gives me my soda fill and it doesn’t have caffeine.Undercooked Meats : Salmonella, E. Coli, Toxoplasmosis Pregnant women should avoid all undercooked meats. Remember to take precautions when preparing meats: make sure your steak has an internal temperature of 170 degrees Fahrenheit and heat hamburger and pork to 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot dogs are safe to eat during pregnancy, just be sure to heat them until they are steaming. Avoid: •deli meats•sushi•pates•raw seafood, especially shellfish•undercooked chicken or meatBut if you’re like me I feel one sandwhich wont kill you, I dont eat too much meat so one slice will do for me and I dont feel that would harm my baby. You will hear so many different things I’m 24 pregnant with my first and I’ve done so much research because you never know what’s true and what no so what I do is if I cant stay away from something that is restricted is eat in moderation meaning once a month or so just to be on the safe side, my friend was so use to having coffee cause of college and all when she got pregnant she could not stop drinking coffee so she went on through her whole pregnancy drinking caffeine and her baby was perfectly healthy so I say if your body is already use to it then you should be ok to have some in moderation definately do not overdue it
Any advice on trying to get pregnant?
Q: My boyfriend and I have been trying for a baby. We both can have children. I’m supposed to be ovulating on the 8th of this month. When and how often should I have sex? This will be our 1st child if I do get pregnant. Any tips or advice? Thank you :)Also mothers:: How bad did it hurt when you gave birth? Can I eat seafood while being pregnant?
A: How are you guessing ovulation? Is it only through an ovulation calculator? Those were always wrong for me. It’s critical to be sure of ovulation as that only occurs one day a month and the egg is only viable for 12-24 hours. Sperm can live in your body for 3-5 days so it’s best to start having sex 3-5 days before ovulation and on ovulation day to get your best odds. Those odds each month are 20-25%. I used over the counter ovulation predictor kits and they worked really well in helping me figure out when I ovulated. Labor and delivery hurts. No one exaggerates it. It’s not pleasant, but worth it. :)You can eat seafood as long as it’s cooked but stay away from fish that contain high mercury levels.
Eating Sushi while pregnant… Is it okay to eat it or not?
Q: So here is what I found out In Japan, a country quite preoccupied with public health, most pregnant women eat sushi. They believe it is part of a healthy diet, and they’re quite right. They do not become sick or have the paranoia that people in the US have. In the US & Japan, more people get sick from seafood prepared at home than at sushi restaurants. The chefs carefully handle the fish to make sure it is safe to eat, and the fish comes from reputable dealers who make sure it was raised in a healthy environment. Sushi from the bar is highly unlikely to make you sick.Meat may contain parasites, and while freezing kills the adults, only cooking it kills the eggs. The eggs are, however, unlikely to survive the hostile environment of your stomach. There is no evidence suggesting that raw fish is at all harmful to pregnant women. It is rare for someone to contract these parasites from sushi and even more rarer for that to cause any ill effects to the fetus. About 85% of seafood-related illnesses are caused by eating oysters and clams raw. If you take them out of the equation, the real risk of illness from uncooked seafood is 1 in 2 million servings! If you are concerned about avoiding uncooked fish, there are still many selections on the bar you can enjoy. Not all sushi contains uncooked meat. Sushi consists of a variety of ingredients, mostly rice, vegetables, and seaweed. Avocado is a favorite ingredient. Most sushi contains cooked meat, and some is 100% vegetarian! There is no reason to abstain from sushi completely, because not all or most rolls contain raw fish. It’s sashimi that is always raw, and again, the risk of falling ill from uncooked fish is almost zero.Now when I thought I was pregnant I had this horrible craving for sushi, I was goign crazy for it, so I went to this nice restaurant and ate some, everything is fine, that was on my first month or 2 of pregnancy, I also eat California Roll and everythign is fine with my baby, so I wanted to know can someone tell me what is the deal? can pregnant women eat sushi or not?
A: Yes, you are correct, in Japan women will eat sushi while pregnant. They will also eat raw fish and raw eggs. Raw horsemeat and raw chicken. However Japan is a small island – they catch fish on a daily basis, and its much less likely to be farmed, and Japanese sushi bars often keep fresh fish alive, until used.This is not the case in America. American fish is generally processed, frozen or farmed, meaning that the bacteria has a chance to build up. Look to be honest you seem to have already made up your mind about whether sushi is ok or not… but personally i would say no. Japanese people DO get sick from sushi and other food poisoning. Japan has one of the lowest stillbirth rates in the world because of the regular and constant medical intervention you recieve here, however when stillbirth does occur, 78% of the time (at last count) the stillbirths have been caused by viruses, believed to be caused by diet.Let me correct you on something too – ‘real’ sushi does NOT contain cooked meat … American sushi bars are not genuine! Here in Japan its quite difficult to come across sushi which is cooked … even vegetarian is difficult to find. Vegetarian sushi is completely safe – so why not go for this instead. Two words – MERCURY POISONING!!! Anyways one more point – the reason Japanese women have to eat this stupidly low calorie food, is because Japanese doctors SEVERELY discourage gaining weight during pregnancy. They are recommended losing weight during pregnancy, so their overall weight remains the same (they have to try to lose 20 lbs!!!) or the doctor will frequently embarrass and humiliate them in front of other patients. Also he will personally reprimand them on every visit about their weight gain… its humiliating.Im sure if they were encouraged to GAIN a healthy amount of weight, they would have a choice to eat something other than raw fish and rice… (no soy sauce – its too high calorie!)Anyways american and japanese sushi is very different – but i certainly wouldnt go near american sushi when pregnant – even the japanese stuff i avoid – as people can, and do have complications from eating bad fish.
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