How long can you go without taking birth control and not get pregnant

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If you miss a day or several days of your birth control pills during a cycle, you will be at higher risk of unintended pregnancy during that cycle. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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How long can you go without taking birth control and not get preg…?
If you miss a day or several days of your birth control pills during a cycle, you will be at higher risk of unintended pregnancy during that cycle. Thanks for asking ChaCha!

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How long can it take before you can get pregnant after coming off birth control from being on it for 8 years?
Q: I just got off birth control like 3 months ago and I was on it for a long time, probably about 7 or 8 years. I haven’t had my period for these last 3 months since I’ve been off it. I thought maybe I was pregnant and took a test and went in for 2 blood tests and they were pretty much negative, except one said my hormone level was at 5 which could be either, but in my case it was probably because of my birth control and going right off of it. I was wondering if anyone has had this experience and how long it took before your period came back? Also, I want to know how long it would take before you could get pregnant or if I can still get pregnant now even though I haven’t resumed my periods? Because I wouldn’t mind getting pregnant because I’m getting to the point where I would like to start a family and I have been having unprotected sex with my bf for the last 3 months. We normally have sex like 1-2 times a week , so this might be why I’m not pregnant or do you think I am unable to get pregnant right now, without my period? Thanks for any advice
A: Getting pregnant depends on when you are ovulating, i don’t think your period has anything to do with it. You have a 20% chance of getting pregnant each month with out protection or birth control. From what i have heard you should be able to get pregnant as soon as you stop taking your birth control. Now that doesn’t mean like an hour later, i’m sure they mean like at least a day. And it shouldn’t matter how long you’ve been on birth control, that should have no effect on how long it takes for you to conceive.This may seem dumb but i find that more people get pregnant when they don’t try then when they do. I think that when you keep trying you put more pressure in trying to get pregnant that it stresses you out and i think that, that can make it twice as hard to get pregnant. You should try buying those ovulation tests to find out when you are most likely to get pregnant and try having sex based on the results. Good luck to you and i hope everything works out for you.
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Q: i’m 16 and I’m a virgin but i intend to have sex with my boyfriend once i am on the pill. i started taking them on the first day of my period which was a few days ago but i need to know how long it will be before i can have sex without getting pregnant. it says in the leaflet: “You will not need to use a back-up method of birth control, since you are starting the pill at the beginning of your period.”this means i’m good to go, right? sorry if this is dumb but i just want to be absolutely sure i’m not misinterpreting it.
A: yes, according to the package you are safe. however, a lot of doctors recommend waiting one full cycle of pill taking, in case you had ovulated near your period (theoretically, you shouldn’t but it can still happen) . When I was on the pill, I used a back up method for the first month, but that was more for my own peace of mind.
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Q: i recently was close to having sex, and i was not prepared at all. i want to know more about birth control and get products now and asking my parents or my doctor is NOT an option for me. so here are a few questions i came up with. answer as much as you can please!1. what are the different kinds of birth control?2. what is an estimated price on each different birth control?3. where can i get birth control without going to a clinic or hospital?4. what are side effects of taking birth control pills?5. what birth control pill would you recommend?6. are there sizes in condoms? and if so, how do i know what size to get?7. how long does is take for birth control pills to go in effect?8. what will actually guarantee me bigger breasts or clearer skin as a side effect of birth control pills?9. will pills really make me gain weight?10. is a girl still a virgin if she only has oral sex?11. what kinds of sex is there?12. how do you ask a guy if he has an STD before sex without killing the mood?13. what birth control combinations would you recommend using?14. why do people say it doesn’t feel as good when using birth control?15. when people say it doesn’t feel as good when using birth control, do they only mean condoms? or does pills have that effect too?16. what happens if i go to a place that sells condoms and they won’t let me buy any because i’m “too young”?17. how old do you have to be to buy pills?18. will sex for the first time hurt?19. i heard that the girl HAS to be the one to put on the condom? is that true?20. how do you put on a condom the right way?21. when do you think is the best time to take a birth control pill?22. when about to have sex, what is the first thing i should expect?23. is there more of a chance of me getting pregnant if i have sex during my period?24. how will having sex for the first time effect the way i move or the way i feel after?25. do i have to be a certain age to buy one of those pregnancy tests?26. what’s a good estimated price on pregnancy tests?27. how much will i bleed having sex the first time?28. what are orgasms? 29. so if the fluid that comes out of the guys is sperm, what’s the stuff that comes out of girls?30. if someone wears contacts or glasses, do they take them off for sex or leave them on?i know i’m asking a lot. but i’m just curious..thank you for taking your time reading and answering my questions! anything is a BIG help for me..
A: You know what? I don’t think anyone telling you that you’re too young is going to help. If you were close to having sex then it is coming and you need to be prepared. Good on you for having the courage to ask someone. My other advice is if you have a women’s health centre or family planning clinic in your area that might be an option rather than your parents or you family doctor.1. what are the different kinds of birth control?The Pill is the most well known oral contraceptive and what most women I know use. However, you can get injections.2. what is an estimated price on each different birth control?That depends on where you are and if you get any benefits. For me the pill is only $5 because I have a government benefit. But a really good pill with basically no side effects can cost $80 (that is australian)3. where can i get birth control without going to a clinic or hospital?Again I’m not sure about other countries but here in Aus we have to have a perscription from the doctor. It is important to see a doctor before hand to make sure you know all the risks and can pick the Pill best suited to you.4. what are side effects of taking birth control pills?There are lots of suposed side effects, however, i have been on the pill for almost a month and have yet to experience any of them. But in the packet the following side effects are listed (this may be different for different brands) Breast tenderness, pain, secretionHead ache, migrains.Changes in sexual drive and mood.Contact lens intoleranceNausia, vomiting or other intesinal/stomach complaintsChanges in vaginal secretionVarious skin reactionsFluid retentionChanges in body weightHypersensitivity reactionsKeep in mind that you may not experience any of these, they just have to warn you. Don’t let this scare you off.5. what birth control pill would you recommend?I am on Levlen, no complaints about it.6. are there sizes in condoms? and if so, how do i know what size toget?There are different sizes. I personally don’t look after the condom side of things (that is my boyfriend’s job…) but what has been suggested to me by friends and it is good logic, get the ‘regular’ size and if you find that it’s too large or too small you can then ajust you purchase next time. But the regular size will fit most men.7. how long does is take for birth control pills to go in effect?You need to have taken a whole packet (28 days worth of pills) before itthey will be effective.8. what will actually guarantee me bigger breasts or clearer skin as a side effect of birth control pills?No. But I do have a friend whose skin cleared up when she started taking the pill. the only thing the pill is garenteed to do is to protect you from pregnancy (it has about a 98% accuracy) and it will regulate your periods.9. will pills really make me gain weight?I haven’t experienced any…some women do, it’s all about you as a person, you may or may not.10. is a girl still a virgin if she only has oral sex?That depends on your person opinion. However, medically you are a virgin until the hymen is broken, which generally happens during intercourse. It can break other ways though.11. what kinds of sex is there?Oral, Anal and regular old Penis in Vagina. I’m sure less conventional people on here could come up with a few more. Personally I stick to the first and last.12. how do you ask a guy if he has an STD before sex without killing the mood?Hmm, this one might be best to get out of the way before you’re in the mood. If you’re in a relationship with the guy sit him down and have a talk…I know it sounds scary but it’s possible he’ll have the same questions or different ones for you. Also, you need to make sure you both know what’s going on and what you expect of the relationship.If it’s a guy you’re not dating you may want to ask before you get started. If you’re worried just make sure you have a condom, they’re the best way to protect yourself from STD’s. And if the guy wont wear one don’t have sex. End of story. Always remember “If it’s not on, it’s not on.”13. what birth control combinations would you recommend using?There are tons of combinations, just remember that it’s always best to use two kinds of contraception to make sure! If you’re having unplanned sex then the pill and a condom are probably the best thing. But if you know you’re going to have sex then spermacide and a condom works. there are also injections, contraceptive devices you can have put into your uterus…you need to do a little research on that one.14. why do people say it doesn’t feel as good when using birthcontrol?Boys say it because the sensation isn’t a good for them using a condom as there is a barrier. However, this is not a valid excuse not to use one. There are different kinds of condoms that have been devolped to solve this problem, so don’t let a guy pull that line on you
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