If I am 15 should I have a baby

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I would advise any 15 year old to avoid getting pregnant. If you are pregnant, you should talk to your parents about your options. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-i-am-15-should-i-have-a-baby ]
More Answers to “If I am 15 should I have a baby
Should i have a baby at 15?
Dear mariya, You stated that your mother wasn’t drinking or nothing wrong with her when she said she thought it was a good idea. This tells us that you know her saying that is a problem, that there is something wrong. She may have felt that…
Should I have my baby im only 15?
Raising a child is so hard. I can’t begin to tell you how hard it is. Incredibily rewarding? Yes. The best job I’ve ever had? Absolutely. But it kicks my rear nearly every day and I have a huge support network, from family and friends…
Should I adopt a baby??? 15 years old…………?
You yourself cannot legally adopt this child as you are still a child yourself. Just be there for the baby. Who is taking care of her now? Your friend’s parents? Where is the father?

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I want a baby at 15! should I wait? but what will happen if i wait?
Q: I’m 15 years old. i am young but i want a baby anyways. i think i have a pretty good reason why. my reason is because my mother had me late. she had me when she was 29 years old. i don’t want my first baby so late and yes i’m the only child. i don’t remember much of my Grandparents. my grandmother had a stroke when i was eight and i don’t remember much of her except for the state she is in now (she had to go into a nursing home and in the last passed year she had two big heart attacks that should have killed her). every time i go and visit her i feel sad. my grandfather passed away when i was little and i was really sad because i was supper close to him. for some reason on my mothers side of the family seems to die so young ( around 60-69). my point is, if she dies so young and she had me late that means that if i wait to have kids my kids are going to end up seeing their grandparents dying like me. I DON’T WANT THAT FOR MY CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁 so what should i do?oh i 4got to mention one thing. my mom seems like she Wants to have another kid. we go into walmart all of the time and we pass by the baby section. we have a friend who had a baby so she finds excuses to buy something for the baby when its not even her b-day or any other ocasion. i hate looking at her face when we stop by the baby section!!!!!!
A: Alright. Get a puppy. And keep your legs closed.
I am 15 yrs old and my boyfriend and I are deciding whether or not to have a baby. Should we wait??
Q: I am 15 yrs old and my boyfriend and I want to have a baby. He will be 18 in June and he said that he would get a job but i dont want him to be the only one supporting me and my baby. I want to be able to support my child also in all aspects but i just dont know what to do. My mom knows that we have been planning on having a child but she told me that i should consider the fact that he will be 18 and my dad might put him in jail for statutory rape. The terrifies me. My boyfriend lives in Ohio. I just moved from Ohio at the end of December but i am moving back in June. (I just thought that i would clear that up) My dad has a short temper and acts out without thinking and this is why my mom said that i should be concerned about my boyfriend going to jail. I just need other peoples opinions but if your going to be negative and rude then dont post your answers for this question. Thank you for your time. Amber
A: its best to go ahead and have one now, otherwise you will regret not doing it later.
I am 15 and having a baby, is there anything I should know b4 the baby gets here?
Q: I have already decided to keep the baby, which is a boy, I am 24 weeks and I just want to know if I am at high risk or anything?.. and what to expect after he is born.
A: well obviously you need to get advice from people older with experience and reading parenting books will help. another piece of advice i’d like to give you is not to listen to people when they ridicule you about being 15 and having a baby. yeah its young. some people will call you irresponsible and tell you that you ruined your life. don’t believe that. you aren’t ruining your life. you now have something to live for and i personally envy that. good luck with the baby.
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