If your pregnant, what day would you get morning sickness

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For some women, queasiness begins as early as two weeks after conception. It can also strike anytime of day or night. Poor mom! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-your-pregnant%2C-what-day-would-you-get-morning-sickness ]
More Answers to “If your pregnant, what day would you get morning sickness
When you are pregnant do you get morning sickness at the same tim…?
Truth be told morning sickness tends to be confusing. Some women don’t get sick AT ALL ever! Some women get sick in just the mornings or afternoons or even at night. And some women stay feeling nauseated all day long. Morning sickness usual…
Do all women get morning/all day sickness with pregnancy??
coures not every women is different as is every pregnancy. i got really bad morning sickness for about 2 months with my first and i never got none at all with my second. and its not an all day thing you can get it anytime i got mine in the …
When you were 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant, did you still get mor…?
morning sickness doesn’t magically end at a certain point. the first trimester doesn’t start until your 14th week and many women experience morning sickness until around then. mine didn’t start until 10 weeks and lasted for about 2. some wo…

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Ladies (or gentlemen if you wish): What would you do in this situation with your husband?
Q: I am six weeks pregnant. I have terrible morning sickness that lasts all day. I stayed home from work this morning because of it. Since I’ve felt so terrible these last few days, the housework has been neglected, although I’ve started to make a little dent on it this afternoon. Well my husband got off work early this afternoon, and called and asked if it was ok if he stopped at his buddy’s to play cards. I told him that I would be going into work this evening because I should feel better by then, and that I would appreciate if he would come home right now with me, and play cards when I go to work. He said that was fine, asked if he could pick me up anything (I asked for some cottage cheese), and asked if it was ok if his friend came over and played cards at our place this evening. I told him that was fine. About 20 minutes later, he comes home with his friend, sans any cottage cheese, and they proceed to play cards. Our apartment is a wreck, I feel and look horrible, and he acts like he doesn’t understand why I’m upset. Not to mention that I’m a little upset that he hasn’t offered to help clean up the place since I’ve been so sick.What would you do in this situation?
A: First, congratulations on baby! I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had terrible morning sickness. Not one of the better aspects of pregnancy. I don’t think you should be terribly upset with your husband. He was willing to come home and he was thoughtful enough to ask if you wanted anything. Men are kind of clueless about cleaning…they figure as long as they can see the floor, find what they need relatively easily, and there are still clean dishes to eat off of, things are great. LOL.Just tell your hubby that your constant nausea has made it hard to keep up with the housework, and that you would be incredibly grateful if he would help you out until you feel a little better. Do something cute–i.e. make a small list of honey-do’s on a post-it note and leave it stuck to the side of his coffee cup in the morning, or slip it into his briefcase before he leaves for the day. Only put 2 or 3 things on the list, and make sure you end it with something like “Thanks baby, you’re the best! Love you!” Sounds like you’ve got a good man there. I wouldn’t worry about the cottage cheese. I’m sure that he had every intention of getting it for you, but just got distracted. Tease him about it later, but don’t get upset or make it a big deal. Chances are, he’ll feel really guilty about having forgotten, so he’ll try to make it up to you next time (or he’ll go out and get you some the minute you remind him!)Just take it easy and try to relax. The pregnancy sickness and hormones are going to make you super sensitive, so just try to go with the flow. Sounds like your hubby is a very thoughful, very typical guy 🙂
Can you get pregnant if you have sex the same day you stop your period?
Q: I had sex the same day that I stopped my period and for the past week I have felt sick to my stomach. I looked at some prgnancy websites and most said that alot of woman don’t experience morning sickness until the 2nd or 3 weeks after conception. I also noticed the other day while making dinner, the longer I smelled it, the more it made me sick to my stomach. I think I ate about 2 bites and couldn’t handle the rest. I know it’s way too early to take a test, but what do you guys think? Any advice would be helpful.
A: Yes, you can get pregnant even when on your period, but it’s not especially likely. Your most fertile days are mid-cycle. Here is more input and advice: It depends. If you’re really heavy, the sperm can get washed back out. Moreover, it depends on when you ovulate. Every woman has a different cycle. Unless you are charting your cycles and you know when you are ovulating then you can potentially get pregnant anytime. It’s unlikely to get pregnant at that time, but it not a good idea at anytime to have unprotected sex. It’s actually highly unlikely, because of the hormones involved to bring on your period are not conducive to ovulation, of course there is always a possibility, but it is VERY unlikely. No, you can’t become pregnant during your period because there isn’t a egg in a position in which to be fertilized. There isn’t a egg because the egg breaks up and causes a period. So it’s unlikely to become pregnant during this time. The egg does not break up and that is NOT why you are bleeding and if you think thats the reason you should go learn basic anatomy! The reason you ARE bleeding is because the lining of the womb starts to shed. This is your period and is considered the beginning of a new cycle! Absolutely, there’s no safe time for a woman to have safe sex! Always keep that in mind! Yes, especially if you have short cycles. You ovulate about 14 days before your next cycle starts. You are fertile a few days before that. So if you have cycles that are only, for example, 17 days long then you would be ovulating on the third day or so of your cycle — which for most of us is still period time. If you think you are pregnant, take a test. You can take one anytime after the suspected initial point of conception. However, it may not show the true results until 14 days into it. Yes, because sperm lives in the body for about 2-3 days. if you have sex for an example on the last day of your period and he ejaculated in you then the sperm would live for another day and thats bad because your period would be gone the next day. If you had sex in the middle of your period then you might not get pregnant. Some girls do some don’t. Wait a week after your period and take a pregnancy test. Then wait another week and take another one just to be safe. Wow… The answer immediately above this one is misinformed. You can’t get pregnant the day after your period you can only get pregnant on your (say it with me kids) “OVULATION CYCLE” thats when you have a mature egg ready to be fertilized in your body. The day after your period the chances of there being an egg is unlikely but any thing is possible. Woman are normally most fertile 2 weeks after there period. Sperm CAN sometimes live a week in a woman’s body. Yes! You can get pregnant if your partner ejaculates inside of you, if you are not using any form of birth control (a condom, the pill, the shot, spermicide). Sperm can last/live for several days inside of you and ovulation can occur within a few days of the last day of your period. Yes, it happened to me & I felt pretty stupid about it; I told my boyfriend that he didn’t have to withdraw because you can’t get pregnant on your period. Needless to say, we had an unexpected surprise the following month. So yes, you can definitely get pregnant on your period. Maybe in your case but you CAN’T state that as a fact because all women are different. Yes, if you have a very short first-phase of your cycle you could be already ovulating whilst the last of your period is draining away. Young women (say under 20) tend to have irregular cycles because the body is still “getting into the groove” of ovulating and menstruating. The irregularity is in the time between the first onset of bleeding and ovulation. From ovulation to bleeding is quite constant at 14 days, but the first part of cycle varies all over the place. I suggest http://www.woomb.org for more information on the menstrual cycle and fertility awareness. Very rare that you will become pregnant if you have sex while on your period. Yes, because sperm can live inside a woman’s body for up to 3 days. I was on my period on my wedding day, we didn’t consummate until the following day. Our son was conceived the day after my period. My period then was lasting 5 days. I am on a 28 day cycle. So i believe it is possible. I think that you can get pregnant whenever mother nature says “YES”. After searching online and knowing my own body, I know that you CAN in fact get pregnant while on your period. Just because it is considered “normal” to ovulate at a certain time does not mean that you do. and just because you do one month does not mean that you will the next month either. When I was 18 I was having a 3 day period every 2 weeks for 3 months. so when I should have been ovulating, I was having a period instead. There is also another thing, what about more than one ovulation? I am part of a weird group of people that know when they ovulate by just knowing how my body feels when I am. Odd, I about 1/2 the time have TWO ovulations. one week apart. One about 3 days after my period and another a week later. of course doubling my chances to get pregnant. (my 4 kids are a wonderful example of this.) This is not the only thing that I wanted to point out. While you may think that AFTER ovulation SHOULD be over that you can’t get pregnant, don’t count on it. My first baby was 2 weeks late, and all the test done while I was pregnant showed that I got pregnant right about the time that I should have been starting my period, same with my second and 3rd! (though they were only a week late) My last one is the only one that was right on with a normal ovulation, and I think that my ovulations are starting to get more “normal” (I am 27). I have found that most people think that you can only have one ovulation, and that it is all at the same time. That is a total inaccurate assumption made by the general public. You have to realize that not every woman has a 5 day period (generalizing here) I actually have something more like a 8-9 day period, if a girl thinks that she cant get pregnant while on her period and hers lasts very long, and then has sex and the sperm lives for 5 days… well, you might as well call her pregnant if she ovulates around 14 days! That is of course in the BEST conditions. But some of us are just fertile myrtles too.
11 weeks 1 day pregnant with twins . IF you have had twins please respond?
Q: I’ve had severe morning sickness for the 5 weeks i’ve been to the er 6 times now. We got to see the babies move 3 days ago in an ultrasound it was exciting. I have this gut feeling that’s it’s gonna be girls. We know there fraternal. My sister is 7 months pregnant with a boy and i wanted a boy soo bad but now i have this feeling it’s girls. I mean i’d be happy no matter what. My boyfriend had a dream that he saw a baby boy in spider man pajamas and i had a dream that there was a baby girl bouncing in a bouncy seat. So i don’t know. Did you ever have a gut feeling about the sex of your baby and were you right.? Any advice would be great
A: I’m 11 weeks 4 days with twins today so I obviously don’t know the sex yet and I haven’t had any real gut feelings about what they might be. My mom and my husband are both saying they think it’s 2 girls. Sometimes I picture a boy but I don’t think about it often. I just want whatever they are to be healthy! Some people say they just knew the sex and they weren’t sure how. I hope you get one of each!!! Good luck!
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