Is an itchy stomach related to pregnancy

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Most pregnant women will get an itchy stomach during pregnancy. Don’t worry it’s normal! Chacha all night! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is an itchy stomach related to pregnancy
How To Deal With an Itchy Pregnancy Stomach
This product uses the Howcast API. Find more how to videos on Howcast. Increased blood supply and a growing belly contribute to pregnancy itch. Take these steps to reduce the itch and gain some calm. Credit: CinemaSlam Copyright: CinemaSlam
Is an itchy stomach an EARLY sign of pregnancy?
I do not think that it is a sign of pregnancy. Before you would experience the growing and itching of the stomach, you would probably already know that you are pregnant.

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Pregnant with an itchy rash on my bum.?
Q: I’ve had this rash since the end of my first trimester. This is my first pregnancy. And it’s only on my bum. It’s starting to spread and when irritated it gets raised bumps. My doc has ran tests and said everything is negative for whatever he was checking for. Everything I read says PUPP (However you spell it) is the 3rd trimester and starts at the stomach. Mine is only on my bum. Started out as two circular spots. Doc swears it’s not ring worm. Has anyone had this? Is it related to my pregnancy? I wash daily lol Nice try tho. I’m too addicted to warm showers to not wash. And it’s not my butt hole it’s on my butt cheeks.Yeah he told me to buy gyne-lotrimin but it isn’t stopping it from spreading. Just relieves the bad itchy. Thanks for the info ladies =)
A: A lot of women get a mysterious rash! Doctors in general don’t know what causes it and the only cure is birth of baby! As for now use lotions and other body creams on it to help relieve itchiness! Good luck and it should go away after your baby is born!
i am 20 weeks pregnant, what is this rash?
Q: It’s all over the top of my stomach and itchy. i’ve had it for 2 days now. Also, three days ago my hands turned green during class and i was felling flushed, i was very warm and felt light headed. I dont think its related but i can not find anything on green hands. My m.a. teacher told me it has to do with my oxygen level. this is my second child and its very complicated compared to my first pregnancy. i had no problems with the first one but after i was anemic. does anyone know what they might be?also, just to had, i did get my hair done 5 days ago and my hair was heavily bleached just on the crown part for highlights but it burned like hell! does this have anything to do with what i am experiencing?
A: Rashes during pregnancy are fairly common: don’t know about the green hands, though….
Welts or hives?!? Please help!?
Q: *IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH YOU MAY NOT WANT TO READ THIS*This morning at 5am I began scratching my knee. It was red and after scratching, a big quarter size red welt appeared. I assumed at first I had been bitten by a mosquito or spider. 20 minutes later I was covered in those big welts on both my knees, down my legs, my butt, lower back, and both arms.I took a shower thinking I should clean the areas then slathered on Dermasil but right after the shower I had MAJOR diarrhea and vomiting to the point where it was both coming out really runny and I fell asleep right afterwards and slept until 6pm.Now that I am back awake, I do not feel sick at all but the welts are still extremely itchy and covering the same areas.I don’t know if the welts and sickness are related other than they happened around the same time.I have not been outside in days since I recently got out of the hospital with a kidney infection so I don’t think it is poison ivy, I have not changed any soaps or detergents, have not eaten anything differently, and we have 1 dog but she stays outdoors and I have seen no fleas in our home.Has anyone else had this problem? Is it something associated with pregnancy (this is my 6th one but I’ve never had this happen before) or have any of you had this and not been pregnant.I’ve been googling all day and even looking up staph infections since I was in the hospital recently but I can’t narrow it down since most sites are of people also asking what it is.The itching is driving me nuts and if anyone has had this and know what I could use to get relief I’d appreciate it.__________________I am taking Bactrim (antibiotic) and Lortabs (for pain) both of which I have taken before on several occasions. I have been out of the hospital for about a week now.
A: The culprit may be as simple as the Bactrim causing diarrhea and your body reacting to it. If you can take Benadryl while pregnant then that should relieve the itching. Get with your doctor and hopefully this is a one time occurrence and not going to be an ongoing issue.Good luck
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