Is it bad to eat fish when pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it bad to eat fish when pregnant”,you can compare them.

Last year the FDA advised “pregnant women on the hazard of consuming certain kinds of fish that contain high levels of mercury. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to eat fish when pregnant
Is Tuna Fish bad to eat while pregnant?
No. Only 4 tyoes of fish pose problems to pregnant women. ACcording to the FDA you should not eat: *SHARK, KING MACKEREL, SWORDFISH, or TILEFISH. If you have eaten any of these its okay just don’t eat anymore from this point on. Tuna howeve…
Is all fish bad to eat when pregnant?
Raw fish is no way, unless you pull it out of the ocean yourself and start filletting right there on the beach! Keep away from shellfish too. I had a bad oyster once and it was hell, luckily I was not pregnant then or it could have been bye…
Is eating fish bad for my pregnant wife?
As you can see this is a topic of some debate, because that depends on the fish or sushi you are refering to. Cooked or not cooked, and which kind of fish. What you need to look out for is the mercury levels in the fish you are eating regar…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it bad to eat fish when you are pregnant?
A: You should eat canned tuna only once a month due to high amounts of heavy metals. Fish is high in omega 3 and is good for you!
do you think it is bad to eat organic spinnage when you are pregnant?
Q: My friend is pregnant and I told her that the spinnage if fine now and it there is no more ecoli and that all foods could have it at some point. I am going to be pregnant in a few years and I want to eat spinnage. My other frined says organic is bad but I disagree; meanwhile, she eats fish and that has murcury!
A: I would say that eating spinach is good for you, especially for people with low iron. However, when you are pregnant the prenatal pills have a lot of iron in them. Therefore, I would consult your physician about amount intake. I was diagnosed as a anemic (low iron deficiency) when I was younger and was told to eat spinach salads for iron. As for organic, it is probably better depending on the local farmer that supplies the spinach. In regards to fish, it is good for you in moderation like everything else in our lives. ;-)Check out the source below for more info. Hope this helps you out.-Lil Red
What fish is it ok to eat when pregnant?
Q: Wondering what fish it’s ok to eat when you’re pregnant. I know sushi is out, and big fish in general has too much mercury and is a bad idea, but where is a comprehensive list of what *is* ok?
A: These two articles should answer your question. Fish is still ok in pregnancy, you just need to watch how much of it is eaten. These websites give guidelines and levels of mercury in the fish. Also check out the FDA’s website for the most uptodate information.
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