Is it bad to eat ham while pregnant

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As long as you are not having any issues with your blood pressure then ham is ok when you’re pregnant. ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to eat ham while pregnant
Is it bad to eat ham while pregnant
As long as you are not having any issues with your blood pressure then ham is ok when you’re pregnant. ChaCha.

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Q: i dunno i herd some stuff that its not good to eat ham or lunch meat whil pregneant? is it like really bad??// ive eattin it a few times now im worried?well i think threw my entire prenancy ive ate lunch meat like 5-6 times and once today but i didnr warm it i have a cupple times …. nothing gona b wrong with my kid right?
A: jus remember your eating 4- 2
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Q: Okay so am 17 weeks now and I just ate a little bit of salami…my co worker gave it to me because he didnt like it so I know the bread was toasted but I dont know if all of it was heated up…I only ate a little bit but Ive read your not supposed to eat those kinds of things while pregnant. I ate some ham the other day but I made sure I told the guy who made the sandwhich (my buddy) to heat it up so that was fine…but this one I ate cold is it bad? THis is not my first but with my daughter I wasnt worried about any of these things cause I was ignorant, which I realize now was bliss!!!
A: You are supposed to avoid cold cuts while pregnant because of the chance of contracting listeria bacteria. But the chances are actually very low, so if you only ate a little, I wouldn’t be too worried.
Can I eat chipped ham?
Q: Everyone keeps telling me I need to stay away from deli meat since I am pregnant. My doctor never told me I had to stay away from all of it, just that I shouldn’t eat at Subway or anything because of how long their meat sits out. I have been wanting chipped ham so bad! Today I caved and bought a half pound. I’m tempted to go make a sandwich now, but I’m afraid. Will I be okay if I eat it? Should I warm it up first? Has anyone else ever eaten deli meat while pregnant?I am 12 weeks pregnant. In case that means anything.
A: Its fine. All you have to do is heat it up to the point of steaming. And subway, all you have to do is ask them to microwave the meat first or ask them to toast your sandwich. Deli m eat is safe. I eat it all the time lol. I just make sure that its hot enough for all the possible bacteria to be dead. Go make yourself a sandwich girl!!!
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