Is it easier to get pregnant at 18

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It depends on your body, but younger women seem more fertile than older women. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it easier to get pregnant at 18
Is it easier to get pregnant at 18
It depends on your body, but younger women seem more fertile than older women. Thanks for using ChaCha!
Is it true teens 18 and younger can get pregnant easier??
Well, the younger you are the healthier you (and therefore your eggs and sperm) usually are. This isn’t true in all cases, of course, but when you age you usually lose some fertility. That’s why after 35 it’s much more difficult to become p…
Why can woman under 18 get pregnant easier then woman over 18??
We are most fertile (as we have more eggs) in our teens and early 20s and every few years fertility (since we don’t have as many eggs and may not always release one each month) goes down slightly. Don’t get discouraged though, just try to r…

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Q: I turned 18 in november and got pregnant in december by my now ex. Moved out on december 6th from home and moved back in on january27th. Here is my problem my mom and dad have been being very supportive and understanding and now we are getting along amazingly except when my 16 year old sister is home. I am constantly fighting with her and it stresses me out beyond belief. We share a room and yes she may be jealous but she gets even more attention than me. when we fight it cause me and my parents to fight which sucks. I knew moving back home would not be 100% easy but i could have never expected this. So with that being said i have two choices either deal with it and be stressed out 247 or move to denver with my aunt and uncle. The only issue i have with moving back is that I don’t want the relationship between me and parents to get messed up. What should I do. I have already sat down with my sister and parents and it just ends up with everybody mad. I just know that being this stressed out is not healthy for me or my baby. And I want to make a responsible adult choice, I just don’t know what it is.Thanks
A: I feel your pain and anger. Here is my 2 cents and I hope you take my advice. 1. Keep cool and ignore your sister. She is only 16 and not knowing how much you have to go through this matter?2. At this point, you are breaking up with your Ex and your stage of mind is not stable plus your hormone level.3. You need to keep your peace of mind by concentrate of your baby. Read books, eat right and exercise. The more you know about your body and soul the better you will be.4. Please do not leave home, and you will make your parents happy when your baby arrives.5. Are you still going to school if so you should spend time outside the home and avoid contact with your sister.6. You are a responsible adult that why you ask everyone at Yahoo Answers. 7. I wish you you luck and have a wonderful baby. Keep cool then you are the winner of all.
Strange, sudden symptoms at 18 weeks pregnant, please help!?
Q: I’m 18 weeks pregnant, and I’ve been blessed with an easy, symptom free pregnancy. Until recently! I’ve had barely any symptoms, just tiredness and mild morning nausea that went away quickly after I got up and ate. But last Monday, I woke up feeling fine, and ate breakfast. Almost immediately after, I threw up. I didn’t think much of it. But since then, the same thing has happened almost every morning. I wake up feeling fine, I eat, and then I feel REALLY sick. I’ve also had headaches, and even mild diarrhea. I have no idea if this is related to the pregnancy or not, but it’s extremely disruptive to my life. Every morning after I eat breakfast, I have to huddle in bed for an hour or two until the nausea goes away. Does anyone know what this could be? I have an appointment with my midwife this Friday, but I wanted to see if anyone had suggestions until then. Like I said, it’s been making me miserable! Thanks.P.S. I don’t know if this helps, but it seems to happen every time I eat cereal. Last Wednesday I had my 18 week ultrasound, and I only ate toast and applesauce before I went. I was fine! But all the other days I’ve been eating my healthy cereal with milk, and then it starts. Why could that be? I’m going to try not eating cereal tomorrow to see if it works but…. this is weird!
A: Week 18 was awful for me. From half way through week 17 and all of week 18 I felt miserable. My morning sickness came back, my energy was gone and I couldn’t get anything done. My head was hurting so bad and I was so dizzy. I’m 19 weeks now and I am starting to feel a little better. I’ve heard a lot of women say they felt really bad through week 18. From 17 to 20 the baby goes through a major growth so that is probably why. Maybe you should try eating something else for a while until your stomach gets back to normal.
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