Is it possible to be pregnant but still have your menstrual cycle

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it possible to be pregnant but still have your menstrual cycle”,you can compare them.

Many women report having their period while pregnant, but typically this is not the case. The reason why this cannot be is MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to be pregnant but still have your menstrual cycle
Is it possible to still have your menstrual cycle in the first fe…?
Yes and no. Technically it is impossible to “have your period”, but, many women bleed during early …
Is it possible to still have your menstrual cycle and be pregnant…?
Yes it is possible to be pregnant and still have your period every month. There was a woman at my job that had her period for 6 out of the 9 months that she was pregnant. You might have to go to the doctor and have a hcg blood test done to …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it possible to be pregnant and still have your menstrual cycle?
Q: How many of you hear a story about a women that someone know that was pregnant but still got her monthly cycle?I have and was shock when I hear these story… Cause most of these women didn’t even know that they are pregnant until it’s late in the pregnancy. Well anyway the reason why I’m asking you this question in cause I might be in the 5 or 10% of women who get their menstrual cycle while pregnant. And I want your opinion about this.ok what been going on with me lately for starter I want to tell that I just went off my cycle two day ago. but for a month and half I been have weird food craving ( pickle and ice cream or pickle with everything, or last night and today I ate taco meat with sour cream and animal cracker.) mood changes,breast aching, muitl trip to the rest room , queasy, sensitivity of smell, exhausted,lightheaded and mother , grandmother, aunt and boyfriend believe that I’m pregnant they all said to me that my hip spreading and my face is fat or full and etc. Old Wives Tales: Say if I your husband/ boyfriend is sleeping a lot your pregnant and If some one have a dream about death then someone is pregnant. well he sleeping a lot and my cousin had a dream three week ago. what do you think? Since I had my cycle I don’t believe that I’m am and I want some outside advice.
A: absolutely, with both my pregnancies I did not miss my first period until the 4th and 5th month.
Q: Okay. I’m 18. I don’t get my period, it goes away for about 8 months at a time, and sometimes longer. I’m not pregnant- because it’s not possible, i’ve been so freaked out about my period I haven’t wanted to have sex yet. It’s been like this since i was 12. I’m 5’6 and 175 lbs. I had an ovarian cyst about 6 months ago. I never have any pain, or cramps, or any mood swings to suggest that I would be getting my period. and something else that’s odd, I don’t get horny anymore. ha ha. My friends tell me to go see a doctor, but i’m not very fond of going to see a gyno. Everytime I ask my doctors about my period, they say “Ohh, well your still young it will get normal over time”. soo, someone please, tell me. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MY MENSTRUAL CYCLE?
A: It’s hard to say what could be wrong at this point. The “you’re still young it will get normal over time” doesn’t really fly anymore, as at 18, things should just be starting to even out. You shouldn’t be going so long in between having periods anymore.The low libido and missing periods could be related to ovarian cysts but also to a hormonal imbalance. I know going to the gyno is NO fun, but, you might need some blood tests to check out your hormone levels and make sure everything’s okay. Your gyno can also suggest some sort of hormonal birth control like the pill – that can regulate things for you and fix some of the issues you’re having. Good luck!
Could I be pregnant?
Q: Is it possible to conceive 1 1/2 weeks before your menstrual cycle is due, and still have your period the following 1 1/2 week or would I not have a period? My period usually last 4-5 days but this time it only stayed on for 3 days. I’ve been waking up at the same time each night for the past week as well as cramping (which normally doesn’t happen when I have my period). Your thoughts are appreciated!
A: Yes it is possible to still have a period while pregnant. I suggest taking a home pregnancy test and go see your doctor either way. Good luck.
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