Is it true that a man had a baby

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Yes, Thomas Beatie, a former woman who is now a man is currently pregnant with his second child. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it true that a man had a baby
Is it true that women sacrifice more than man when having a baby??
I know for a fact that men dont sacrifice as much as women do BUT that doesnt mean that men dont, I also bealive that some men have more pressure beucase when women are pregnant they seem to act differently mostly in a pissy or emotional wa…

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WOW WAS that TRUE on TV a MAN WHO HAD a BABY or was that a use to be WOMAN?
Q: I seen it on INSIDE EDITION
A: was naturally a woman, but had a sex change and kept her reproductive system functional. Additionally, ‘his’ wife is breastfeeding the baby!!!!!!!
Is it true that the man ‘decides’ the sex of the baby or is it just a saying or joke?
Q: My friend and I were discussing something and this came up and I want to make sure I am right. Because I heard someone say once (and they were serious) that the male chooses the baby’s gender. Now, I know the male doesn’t really CHOOSE the gender of his baby but the sperm really doesn’t have anything to do with it or anything like that, right?Ah, I now remember learning what just about all of you are saying. Thanks for clarifying.
A: It’s true. All females have 2 X chromosomes (XX), while all males have one X and one Y chromosome. Eggs and sperm have only 1 chromosome each. So, each egg is an X (that’s all the female has), while a sperm can be either the X or the Y. If the sperm that meets the egg is an X, you get a baby girl. If the sperm is a Y, you get a baby boy.So the man DOES decide, but he can’t really control which sperm fertilizes the egg. However, there are scientists that can now separate the X’s and the Y’s in a petri dish to help men and woman choose the sex of their baby when they are doing in vitro fertilization.Hope that helps!
Is it true that Half of all Women would lie to their husbands if they had a baby with another man :(?
Q: I read this survey: frankly, it was horrifying 🙁
A: The women of whom you speak are just making the best of an unfortunate situation. What’s the point in telling the husband? That might mean he would not treat the child as his own, which is NOT in the best interests of the child.It’s about the child’s best interests.
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