Is smoking bad for babies

Health related question in topics Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “Is smoking bad for babies”,you can compare them.

Smoking while pregnant can cause low birth weight in a baby, preterm delivery, chronic lifelong disabilities and even death. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is smoking bad for babies
Is smoking bad for babies
Smoking while pregnant can cause low birth weight in a baby, preterm delivery, chronic lifelong disabilities and even death.
Is smoking while breastfeeding bad for the baby??… Should a mother who smokes cigarettes breastfeed? First of all, a mom who can’t stop smoking should breastfeed. Breastfeeding provides many immunities that help your baby fight illness and can even…
When was smoking during pregnancy discovered to be bad for the ba…?
Late 70s or early 80s. The problem even with those studies is that they don’t account for the fact that those who smoke also are less likely to do other healthy things such as exercise or eat right. This probably explains why many smokers n…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

need support quitting smoking for my babies sake. could someone tell me why its bad for babies to b around?
Q: maybe someone could tell me why its bad to smoke while you have children? i quit smoking while i was pregnant but i’m having a hard time with it now that he’s out. my dh still smokes (outside only) so he’s no help at all. i’ve had two cigarettes outside but i’m worried if both dh and i are smoking we’ll get lazy and start doing it in the house. what are the health risks to my baby if we’re smoking? maybe that will encourage me to not start this awful habit again.thank you this exactly what i needed. i don’t ever want my son to wonder why i love cigarettes more than him. someone said their little girl said “who will b my nana after grandma dies?” and that breaks my heart. i love my son enough to flush my cancer sticks right now!!!!
A: There are a bunch of reasons. I had to convince myself too. ranging from a higher risk of autism to hyperactivity, to asthma, to retardation. But the one that kills me is that newborns who are exposed to cigarette smoke are more liklely to have an occurence of SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome. Their lungs don’t develop as well and they have a higher risk of sleep apnea. I could just imagine my little girl turning blue because of something stupid i was doing and her life is more important to me than my nic fix.sorry i had to add this once i red bianca’s reponse. Don’t be a bitch. She is obviously trying to do the right thing and quit smoking and is looking for motivation not insults and jeering. Take advice from your mother and if you don’t have something nice to say then keep your mouth shut.
cigarette smoke is bad for babies is it okay to burn insents in the same room with the window open?
A: I was wondering the same thing. I have but when the baby is in the other room.
It is True that firewood is bad for babies and people with asthma?
Q: We have a fireplace at home and we like to fire some firewood in winter time and we have babies and my husband is asthmatic and I’d hear that the smoke that the firewood produce is bad for the babies and people with asthma.Is that true?What we should do just stop using the fireplace
A: Sad but true, burning wood of any type in an open fireplace does put off a significant amount of toxins into your home. The faster and hotter you burn your fire, and the dryer the wood, the less toxins it will put out, but it is going to put out a significant amount during the start and burn down of the flame when the smoke is the blackest. Our fireplace use to bother some of our relatives when we lit it up at Thanksgiving so we resorted to plugging the flue with a chimney balloon and burning soy candles in the fire box to still get some flickery ambiance. Since this also fixed the issue of the drafty fireplace we have just kept with this method. We were not letting so much heat out the chimney this way and we still enjoyed the fireplace.
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