What are all the reasons of a missed period

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If you are not pregnant, causes of missed period might include weight loss or gain, eating disorder, increased exercise or stress. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-all-the-reasons-of-a-missed-period ]
More Answers to “What are all the reasons of a missed period
What are all the reasons of a missed period
If you are not pregnant, causes of missed period might include weight loss or gain, eating disorder, increased exercise or stress.
What are reasons for a girl to miss her period??
Pregnancy is the big one. Irregular or missed periods can come from many other things. Polycystic ovary disease is one common cause. Physical or mental stress can also cause a missed period. Certain endocrine problems such as thyroid or pit…
Are there other possible reasons for missed periods besides pregn…?
Yes, there are many reasons for a missed period besides pregnancy. These reasons have to do with a hormonal imbalance. The hormonal imbalance is not limited to fertility hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, but can also include thyro…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Besides pregnancy, what are some other reasons for a missed period?
Q: Could you list all the possible reasons you can think of?Thanks
A: Stress plays a big factor, if you a stressing , anxious, or worrying about something, thought i was pregnant once, whole month had gone by from when i was suppose to get it.Also diet, if your not eating properly, e.g. bulemia, i think this can have an effect on your cycles.Regards Racy
What other reasons are there for getting a missed period?
Q: I already took 4 pregnancy tests on different days, and they all came out negative… And one of them was the first morning urine. I am on my 2nd missed period already. I don’t think i am stressed out enough for it to be from stress, but i can’t find any other possiblities.
A: If you think you may be pregnant get a blood test to know for sure. Even the best at home pregnancy test sometimes can not pick up the HCG hormone if it isn’t concentrated enough.Stress, diet, exercise, medications, changes in hormone levels, weight changes can all affect your period. Most doctors don’t worry till it has been 6 months to a year. If you still feel unsure go see your doctor.
reasons for a missed period?
Q: Im a 23 year old woman, who has been on and off birth control since I was 16. Most recently I have been off it, about a year now which has cause my period to be all over the place in terms of when it appears.Anyway, as of the last 5 months I have been getting my period around the 27th of each month. However, I have not gotten it as of today, the 8th which makes it approximately 11 or so days late.I’ve recently been under a lot of stress and I know this screws with period, but I have also taken two pregnancy tests both of which have come up negative. My question- what could be taking so long for me to get my period? Are there any other reasons as to why I have not gotten it yet? (Other than the tests are not accurate and there is a good chance I am pregnant, thanks I am freaking out enough.)Any advice would really be appreciated. Thanks ahead of time.1- the link to the other question did not work.2- Yes, I am sexually active and I have been within the last month.3- No, I have not taken the birth control pills at all within the last year, year 1/2. I couldnt find a good pill that didn’t make me gain weight.Thanks to all of you for your input, its defiantly a huge help.
A: A lot of things can mess with your cycle. As you already stated; stress is a big factor. Along with your diet, being morbidly obese or not having ENOUGH body fat can cause you to have little, late, or no period at all. There could always be a chance your pregnant though so I’d advise to keep checking up on that.
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