What are the risks of having twins at 33 weeks pregnant

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If your twins are born prematurely, they may require hospitalization while their immature systems catch up and lungs develop. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-risks-of-having-twins-at-33-weeks-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What are the risks of having twins at 33 weeks pregnant
What are the risks of having twins at 33 weeks pregnant
If your twins are born prematurely, they may require hospitalization while their immature systems catch up and lungs develop.

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I’m 37 years old, pregnant with twins, and freaked out! What am I going to do?
Q: I’ve been married almost 9 years. I’m 37 years old, and I have 2 wonderful boys that are 6 and 4. Three weeks ago, we adopted our youngest son, and I thought my family was complete. WRONG! On the 15th of Feb I did a home pregnancy test, and it came back positive! I nearly fell off the toilet.Then I went to my ob/gyn on friday, and they did an ultrasound to find out how far along I am. I’m 12 weeks pregnant with TWINS! I have PCOS and my cycles have always be irregular. I’m 5’8, 165 lbs, and I work as a personal trainer at Ballys. How could I not know that I am pregnant? I never expected to get pregnant again, after my last m/c in 2007. These babies are such a blessing,and I am very grateful to have them. Oh I should add that tomorrow the doc is putting in a cerclage to prevent me from having another premature birth. My oldest son was born at 33 weeks. From 5 months on, I will have to go on bed rest. I’m considered a very high risk pregnancy because I’m over 35, have had a previous premature birth, 3 miscarriages, and I’m a diet controlled diabetic. In the parking lot of my ob/gyn’s office friday,I had a total meltdown in the car. I just can’t get over the shock, the I’m going to be a mama to twins. How am I suppose to do this by myself? My husband is suppose to go on deployment this summer, and we’re not sure if he can stay to help care for me, while I’m on bed rest. My due date is August 28, 2010. I’m freaking out here. What am I going to do? Can anyone offer any advice?I live on the east coast, and my family lives in AZ, WA, and CA. I have no family here to help me, and my boys go to school. One of them is special needs, and requires therapy 5 days a week. UGH! This is making me feel nervous again.
A: It will be alot of work but to help you can get a nanny and a house keeper that way it will be easier without ur husband Best of luck!Val
Early labour… I think?
Q: I am 33 with weeks pregnant with mono-mono twins (Identical twins in the same sac) and I know it is early for labour, however I have had complications and was told I was at an increased risk for premature labour. About three weeks ago I felt an uncomfortable tight feeling in the front. Not painful, just uncomfortable. They weren’t in any rhythm, but having never given birth before, I got freaked out and went in, but they sent me home, told me it was Braxton Hicks contractions, and told me not to worry.Well now, they are painful, and all over, and way stronger and walking makes it worse, and it seems quite consistently 18 minutes apart. I am really scared, but I don’t want to get sent home again.And my husband is up north working and doesn’t come back until late afternoon December 24 and I am home alone with my 11 year old baby sister we have custody of, and I can’t remember what I learnt in my prenatal classes! Help! Should I go in?I know I posted similar question recently… but given the situation. I am scared and I don’t want to do this alone… and… help
A: Go, take the 11 yo with you (learning time). These are 2 babies that can’t afford to miss intervention.
Is it really “selfish” to put our kids in daycare when I can’t physically care for them?
Q: I have been on bed rest since I was 26 weeks pregnant. I don’t cook, clean, do laundry, dishes or vacuum. The only thing I can do is lay here, and do my medical billing and coding jobs from my bed. I have hired other people to do what I can’t do. It breaks my frugal/cheap heart, but I can’t see my husband working as hard as he does, and then come home and clean our house. Bed rest really really sucks believe me! I’m pregnant with twins, and I have 8 weeks to go until my scheduled c-section in early December. Today, my sister in law (hubby’s sister” called to talk to my husband. I didn’t answer the phone, because I don’t like talking to her. We don’t get along (that’s another matter all together). I let the phone call go to voicemail. Fifteen minutes later she calls back again, Again, I let it go to voicemail. After I was done with my work for the day, I listened to both messages. The first message was asking my hubby to call her, because she needed money again. The only time his sister calls is when she wants money. The second message was for me from his nasty sister, and this is verbatim what was on the message: “****** (my name), you stupid b****. I know your not giving ***** (hubby’s name) my messages you f****** t****. You are a selfish, lazy w**** and you don’t deserve them kids (good grammar huh)! I can’t believe you put the kids in daycare, when your able to take care of them yourself you lazy c***. I hope my brother wakes up and realizes what a lazy s*** you really are and leaves you! You good for nothing t****. You spend all of my brothers money (my mil or sil don’t know that I’m making good money doing medical billing and coding from home), on s*** you should be doing yourself. I don’t believe your high risk (even though she knows I had our first son at 33 weeks.. yeah really brilliant). Get off your lazy a** and do it your own self.” I let my husband listen to the message when he got home. And boy howdy did he get red around the ears. When he gets red around the ears, he’s about to lose his temper. He called his sister and reamed her a new one (if you know what I mean). Suffice it to say he’s done putting up with his sisters BS. He’s tolerated her long enough. So he told his mom that she is the only one allowed to call our house. His mom understands and respects me, his sister does not. So my question is: Is it really ‘selfish’ to put our kids in daycare when I can’t physically take care of them?. Please no rude answers. Thanks.The really great thing about my daycare provider is: 1: She’s Navy certified, and state certified. 2: She lives right across the street. 3: She was a teacher for many years before having her triplets (that are now 10 years old). 4: I’ve known her for over 3 years, and she’s WONDERFUL with my kids. I’m just very thankful that I have someone who loves my children as much as I do.
A: Try to consider the source. She just said that because she’s obviously unstable and knew that would bother you.It’s not selfish at all…you know that. Sorry you have to be on bed rest- I can’t imagine the cabin fever plus a whole trimester to go!
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