What can a pregnant woman take for a sore throat

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What can a pregnant woman take for a sore throat”,you can compare them.

Most throat sprays are good. Though I’d recommend you call your doctor about any medicines you’re considering. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-a-pregnant-woman-take-for-a-sore-throat ]
More Answers to “What can a pregnant woman take for a sore throat
What can a pregnant woman take for a sore throat?
From my safe list from my OB. You can take Tylenol SInus, Sudafed, Robitussin or any throat lozenges. You should talk to you Dr about your Flu shot if you are prone to getting the Flu. Pregnant women get the Flu much more easily and worse. …
What medicine can a pregnant woman take for a sore throat
For a safe herbal remedy, try mixing a teaspoon of honey, lemon, and warm water, then gargling it. Keep doing the ChaCha!
Can a pregnant woman take tylenol sore throat medicine???
Tylenol Sore Throat (acetaminophen) Acetaminophen is a pain reliever and a fever reducer…

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A: From my safe list from my OB. You can take Tylenol SInus, Sudafed, Robitussin or any throat lozenges. You should talk to you Dr about your Flu shot if you are prone to getting the Flu. Pregnant women get the Flu much more easily and worse. If you just get colds, there isn’t much you can do about that except treat them and make sure you are washing your hands and staying away form people that are sick.
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A: Benedryl, any kind of tylenol, sudafed….
Sore throat while pregnant?
Q: What all can pregnant woman take for a sore throat? I have been drinking tons of water, are there any non-medication tips I can try to get rid of it? Thanks!
A: Gargle with salt water. It’s a little on the nasty side but put as much salt in it as you can stand and gargle with it.
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