What does it mean when horses lay down

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When they’re extra tired and relaxed or want to get the weight off their feet they do lay down. Especially pregnant mares. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-horses-lay-down ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when horses lay down
When Horses Lay down does that mean they are Sick
Horses laying down can be normal. They can lay down for up to several hours at a time. But it could be a sickness or injury too.
What doesit mean when horses lay on the ground?
Neither cows’ nor horses’ sleeping habits have anything to do with weather. They both lay down because it feels like the right thing to do. Whether it’s because they are tired, because they are cold, because they are sick, or because they l…
What does it mean to lay a Horse betting?
Laying a horse means that you are backing it to lose. Traditionally, bookmakers lay horses whereas punters back them.

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Q: I was riding around on a very tall black shiny stallion without a saddle (no I don’t ride, I usually hate horses). I kept try to stop next to things like tables that I could jump off onto because I was so high up. However, when I did, the horse bit me. I couldn’t get it to let me down anywhere, even though it never bucked or went fast, and went in whatever direction I told it to. Eventually I just jumped down, but it grabbed me with its mouth, lay on its side and began kicking me. I called for bystanders to help me. Then it ended.I remember it had 2 big… uh… how can I say it… it was a male horse… not desexed…I know dream questions must be a pain in the **** but it felt like a very significant dream that needs interpretation. It was weird yet so lifelike: the horse’s coat, it’s gait and it’s … other things :-/. What do you guys reckon?
A: I recommend staying far far far away from horses.I think it means that your horses don’t like being told what to do and it has the balls to beat you up if you ever try to get off on it.Just wondering do you have girlfriends you see? Perhaps the horse represents one of them.Perhaps it had other things it would rather do – like walk all over you.Become a vegan – it’ll be good for you.
What does my dream mean?
Q: Last night, I dreamed I was a prince on a white horse, galloping through an enchanted forest protected by a witch’s magic. I met the witch’s fair daughter and we instantly fell in love. We rode out of the forest, with the witch hot on our heels. But as long as I had my horse, we were unharmed by the witch’s magic. It was a long chase. Suddenly, my horse sprouted wings and took off, taking us high up into the sky. Just when we thought we had outsmarted the witch, a thunderbolt struck us, injuring my horse’s wing. We fell to the earth, and she snatched my lady-love from me. I searched for her frantically and battled the witch to the death. When she saw that I was losing my foothold, my lady-love intervened for me and she was killed by the witch. She died for me. Then, along came my horse. She lay down beside my lady-love and she talked, telling me to cut open her chest and take her heart which I did. When she died, my lady-love came back to life. And right beside her was an enchantresswho turned out to be my lady-love’s birth mother. Then, I took my bride to my kingdom, and there, we lived happily ever after.
A: Here’s the best thing I can tell you:You as a prince on a white horse- This is a picture of who you really are inside. You’re a natural romantic and are in a quest for true love.The enchanted forest/the witch- This symbolizes the hardships you have to gothrough, in order to get your girl (as implied by the words “protected by a witch’s magic”).The maiden- Your true love whom you are meant to be with, but have yet to meet.The pursuit- Another picture of hardship; this time, though, you already won her heart. This is a symbol of the things you will have to go through as a couple.Your horse growing a pair of wings- You will find a way to escape your troubles but only temporarilly.The thunderbolt- Whoever is determined to ruin your relationship won’t stop until this is accomplished.The witch snatching the maiden- You will lose sight of your lady-love for a while.The battle to the death- This shows your determination and your love for your girl. You are willing to fight for her to the death.The maiden’s sacrifice for you- This is true love. She dies for you. She’s willing to give her life for you, as you are willing to give your life for her.The horse’s death- This is a blessing, and a good sign that everything will turn out okay.The transformation of the horse into an enchantress- This could mean that the witch has no authority over you or your lady-love anymore. The spell (but I’m not sure if you mentioned a spell) is broken. True love (and purity of heart–the horse giving up its heart and its life) conquers all.
Please Please help! Poem! What does it mean?
Q: The Visiting HourAmy BartlettHe hold his face straight ahead, But looks out of the corner of his eyesLike a horse, or like one who has come back From the other side. Now he sits sideways On the chair, curled over himself, His head down, his neck almost parallel To the ground as if protecting the sourceOf whatever mysteries arise from within. When he looks up, his eyes seem to be tryingto roll back to let him gaze inward.I remember once glimpsing him among the trees At night, naked but for a towel at his waist, A shape lighter than anyone else,His pale skin shining as never the day, Silent, intent upon not disturbing Some presence in the dark. Today,He is silent like the very old Who listen, but have no more to say in this world,Or like the people I once saw standingMotionless on a lawn high above me, Dappled by summer light, here and not here.When it is time to go, I turn away From him, as from a campfireI have hovered over, unable to get it going.Driving away, I keep seeing the house; Each room is alight with unseen lampsShowing on the walls, but no one is there – One of the succession of the lights through time that,Like a row of street lams, together Lay down on the past the way back To those afternoons and the piano, when he played With a discipline that transcended all others. There he sits, his hands above the keys,His head turned so I cannot see the face, And I am waiting for him to play a passage Of that low, measured music which moves Through us at unexpected times On our way alone toward death. Those in the room pause; our hands Stop midway through what they are doingAnd we turn our heads to the windowTo look at nothing, and quieted Like hens stroked motionless, we let the music pass over us like the wind. I want to reach back and close the lightsThat show me this like candles on the dinner table That shine in the even panes of blacknessAfter everybody has driven off down The funnel of darkness between the trees – And leave our childhood dark. In our life here, sometimes a young manWith our dark blond hair and slight frame Walks past me, and I might briefly follow him But not too closely, so the illusion won’t be broken.Or I’m startled by one of two forms Their bodies gone slack over a subway grate,Slumped there like two sacks of grain Leaning into each other. Or sometimes At the corner, on a January night, One I seem to know is lying against a wall,Finished with wandering, all his strength Given out under him right there.
A: This poem could be about someone who has been altered either by drugs or by an accident. He is not the same as he once was and the poem is about him. The poem describes the before memories and now the author describes a visit to the hospital where the altered person now resides.Of course I am a science teacher and very literal so this English stuff may be way over my head. I thought I would give it a try
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