Is diet soda bad when your pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is diet soda bad when your pregnant”,you can compare them.

There are no studies that show diet soda is harmful to pregnant women as long as it is taken in moderation. Cha Cha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is diet soda bad when your pregnant
Is diet soda bad to drink when you are pregnant?
Don’t freak out about it. It’s probably not the best thing in the world to do health wise, but, come on, you’re a human being. You have a right to some tastes, and this is an overall ok thing to do. Your kid won’t come out with two heads be…
Is it bad to drink Diet Soda while pregnant even if its caffeine …?
yea, u only want real sugar. And caffeine is to be cut down but its not crazy bad. i drink pop all the time and the doctor said it wont affect my baby one bit, maybe make it a wild one but, its only for precaution
Is it bad to drink diet soda or anything containing aspartame whi…?
Since no one else has told you why, I will… Aspartame can affect brain development and cause neural damage in an unborn fetus. Stay away from it. It’s just as bad as alcohol while pregnant. Good luck with your pregnancy!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is diet soda’s ohkay?
Q: When your pregnant, is it bad to drink diet pepsi?i have a can of it right now, but im not really drinking it a lot cause im scared that its not ohkay.
A: Don’t drink it. Regular soda is actually better. Yes, it has caffeine and sugar, but the artificial sweetner in diet soda is one that is recommended NOT for pregnant women.Soda has only about 35-65mg (depending on which kind) of caffeine, and you are allowed up to 200mg a day. So, you are fine. 😀
What are some healthy ways to increase your energy when pregnant?
Q: First they’ve told me that I’m hypoglycemic so I cut out soda and uber sugary items and despite changes to my diet I’m STILL constantly exhausted. I have trouble waking up in the morning and all I want to do is nap constantly. I can’t even find the energy to pick up the laundry and do a few loads. I feel really bad about it because my house is turning into a disaster zone and I don’t know what to do… I just don’t have any pep to do anything! Even standing up for more than 15 or 20 minutes makes me tired! HELP!P.S. I’m 11 1/2 weeks. Thanks.I am taking a prenate and a folic acid every day.
A: That’s all normal for the first trimester, the baby is taking all your nutrients, the ones you used to get. Take your prenatal everydayfocus on eating healthy: fruits, veggies, lean meats ect. drink lots of water or tea(decaf) with no or little sugar.Start trying to go on short walks, like 10-15 minutes.Not only will all of these make you feel better, you and the baby will have a much smoother pregnancy 🙂
do you believe in diet pills?
Q: Well im am going to start trying to have a baby. I have gained 25 pounds ontop of my already fat weight. 130 was my omg! you better start dieting. Guess what now im 153. its crazy how drinking soda and eating fast food can wreck your See we had been trying for two years and had problems so i went through a eating period where that is all i ate. So the problem has been fixed and i want to aleat get down to 120 before i have a baby. So i need to loose 28 pounds in 3 months. I was told relacore works amazing. Its a belly blasing fat the reduces stress whichs causes fat. I am lucky that i don’t luch like weight that. I can hide my weight easy because im tiny in my face arms and legs. I carry my weight in my stomach and breast. Im 5’3 153 and 38 dd. So heres the thing i don’t want to look pregnant when im not. So do you think diet pills will help me loose the weight. keep in mind my work outs have to be low insenstity.. the doctors says its very bad for me trying to have a baby.
A: Diet pills often have stimulants that lead to a much higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Furthermore, rigorous cardiovascular exercise is going to be a lot less harmful to you than diet pills, considering the hoped-for pregnancy. The other issue is that you’d have to immediately stop taking the pills when you knew you were pregnant, but you might not know in time. Stimulants can cause serious and permanent damage to a fetus. Also, you should be wary of non-FDA-approved drugs. They haven’t been subjected to the extensive research (years of experimental tests) that FDA-approved drugs have, so there are likely long-term effects that aren’t known or well understood. Please be careful.Instead, try lifting free weights. Resistance exercises will help you build muscle, which will help you burn calories faster. Good luck with everything!
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