What is the prenatal pill

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Prenatal pills are essentially vitamins that you can take before becoming pregnant to ensure that you and your baby are healthy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-prenatal-pill ]
More Answers to “What is the prenatal pill
Will prenatal pill help me get pregnant?
Prenatal pills will not help you to get pregnant but it is a good idea to start taking them if you are trying to get pregnant. The more prepared are bodies are before pregnancy the better chance the baby will have.
“Can i take little critters gummy vites multi vitamin 100% v…?
“Chewable Prenatal Vitamins Gives Nutrients” Taking chewable prenatal vitamins are a great way to stay healthy during your pregnancy. Getting nutrients, especially folic acid, during pregnancy is important in the health and develo…
What brand of prenatal pill is this?
Take them back and ask your pharmasist. You should get a new bottle too, because even though it’s just a vitamin, you need to have the correct info around in case you aren’t able to answer questions in a medical emergency.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

My prenatal pill contains 4,000 IU of vitamin A…is that too much, should I not take it?
Q: I know too much vitamin a is bad during pregnancy but how much is too much…i dont know how much a normal pill contains so I dont know what would be a high dosage. My pill has 4,000 IU in it which is higher than some (which had closer to 2,700 IU) and lower than some prenatal pills which had 5,000 IU. I read that the risk is in women who take more than 10,000 IU of vitamin A. So is 4,000 OK?Thanks for your help:) I am just barely seven weeks along btw.finally found a site with a complete ingredient listing. Sure enough the vitamin contains 100% beta carotene. So no worries, thanks for all the advice everyone.
A: Are you positive it’s an actual prenatal vitamin suppliment?You are correct in your knowledge that excessive vitamin A can have a toxic impact on the developing baby in early pregnancy. Bear in mind though that this is actual vitamin A, not beta-carotine.Taking more than 10,000IU of vitamin A per day (from vitamin tablets as well as in foods) is the level at which a lot of researchers agree the risks are significantly increased.Researchers usually recommend pregnant women limit their vitamin A intake from all sources to 4000IU per day.A lot of prenatal multi vitamins now contain no vitamin A, only beta-carotine derivative, which probably says it all.
What is the best OTC prenatal pill if I am not pregnant yet?
A: Take a Folic acid supplement. With at least 1mg per pill. That’s all my doctor recommended. It helps prevent neural tube defects. And folic acid is never taken early enough. By the time you get on pre-natal’s the damage could already be done. All women of child bearing age should be taking a daily dose of folic acid. You can get it at a health food store.
What’s the best prenatal pill to get off the shelf?
Q: Well I just found out I was pregnant and past the first trimester(THANK GOD) but I was wanting a opinion on it cuz I havent had any real sickness can you give me some info on different name brands?PLZ and THANK YOU!
A: The best one will really just be the one that meets all the requirements most adequately, especially the 400mg of folic acid. Many websites and books list what they are. One to try is Stuart Prenatal, which most drug stores sell.
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