When does your period stop if you’re pregnant

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If you become pregnant, you will not have a period after that. Some times light bleeding can occur at your normal period time. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-does-your-period-stop-if-you%27re-pregnant ]
More Answers to “When does your period stop if you’re pregnant
When does your period stop when pregnant?
It is suppose to stop right away. That is how many woman first find out they are pregnant, they expect their period and it never comes. Bleeding or having a period during pregnancy is not normal but with that said many woman who experience …
Why does your period stop when you’re pregnant?
Your ovaries release or let go of one egg about once a month. If the egg does not become fertilized by male sperm, the egg and the lining of your uterus (endometrium) drain out of your vagina as your period. If the egg does become fertilize…
Is bad to do sex on your period?
No it’s not bad. Some women think it’s too messy or uncomfortable and some likes it. The blood works as a natural lubricant and because you are extra sensitive the sex can actually be better. Just remember that you can get pregnant.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If you’re anorexic can your period stop?
Q: For the past couple months ive put off eating until im very hungry but still eat. When i do eat i eat little. im not anorexic because im not worried about gaining weight or watching what i eat i just didnt eat much because i took time i could be doing other things. well last moth my period only lasted one day and there was no flow after that day. my period usually last 4 or 5 days. Its highly unlikely that im pregnant so im worried why my period was so short. was it because i didnt eat enough or did i not ovulate that month?
A: one of my best friends sister went from 155 to 121 in only a few months by being anorexic. now her reproductive stuff is all screwed up and its going to be diffucult for her to have kids now–she also didn’t get a period AT ALL.please eat more often, its a real shame that she didnt. go to a doctor/gynocologist as well.hope this helps:)
How can you get pregnant on the pill?
Q: It tricks your body into thinking you’re pregnant so when you stop taking your hormone pills you’re supposed to start your period.So if someone misses a pill wont the body just think its time to start its period? Isn’t it rare that a woman would get pregnant during her period especially since you should begin the next pack of pills after your placebos are done?
A: What the pill does is prevent an egg from dropping (ovulation). The continued doses of the medication is what ensures that the body doesnt ovulate, so the egg never drops. Missing or skipping one pill is usually ok, since you can just double up the next day. However, missing more than one is risky, because you are interrupting the hormone doses, which could trigger an egg to release. The pack should explain that missing one is ok, but missing 2 or more requires a back-up method of BC to be used. The same theory goes for your question on starting your period. Missing just one pill wont cause you to start your period early, but missing more than one could cause your cycle to become off since the body now thinks its time to dropp and egg and so on. Also, you can get pregnant during your period if the egg hasnt been shed yet. Since the typical cycle is 3-7 days long, the egg can be shed at anytime during this period, so if it is still in the womb, it can be fertalized. Of course, with proper dosing of the BC pill, no egg actually drops in place. Also, the pill doesnt work for everyone, so ask your doctor about the specifics! Hope this helps!
If you only get your period every 3 months how do you know if you’re pregnant?
Q: I am on a birth control where you only get your period every 3 months. But i had sex 3 weeks into the first pack. (I just recently started this birth control) I don’t think i waited long enough to have unprotected sex. Aren’t you supposed to wait till your period is under control? This birth control did make me cramp and kind of spot here and there and the doctor said its usual not to get a period that first pack. I just recently started my second pack. And i have been stressed out lately and just feel out of it. My nipples or breasts aren’t sore or anything but i have had random sharp stomach pains but they only last like 10 seconds then do away i have had headaches lately but i don’t think that means anything. Also Idk if this makes sense but it seems i have had an increase in hot flashes (it almost feels like im burning up). When could i take a test to get an accurate result i can’t wait 3 months to see if i get a missed period. I do want to start seeing a doctor and stop my birth control if i am i just don’t know how long i have to wait to get an accurate result. PLEASE HELP!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!
A: take pregnancy tests regularly(once a month) and watch for pregnancy signs. Don’t drink or do anything your wouldn’t do if you were pregnant. It usually takes a few months for the birth control pill to prevent pregnancy. All of these symptoms could be a result from your birth control especially since you just started.
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