When a pregnant woman is effaced what does that mean

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Effacement is the process by which the cervix prepares for delivery. The cervix gradually softens, shortens and becomes thinner. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-a-pregnant-woman-is-effaced-what-does-that-mean ]
More Answers to “When a pregnant woman is effaced what does that mean
What does it mean if a pregnant woman is effaced??
Effeacement is the thinning of the cervix (the opening of the uterus). This happens when the body is readying itself for birth, but diferent women effeace at diferent times and at diferent rates. You can just be a good sis and tell her she’…
What does it mean when a pregnant woman is fully effaced??
that her cervix s fully thinned out and ready to dialate to 10 cm

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Does labor in general go quickly when you are dialated 2 cm and 50% effaced (first time mom)?
Q: I know women vary, but I was just wondering if labor generally goes by quickly or whether it drags. Also, does effacement percentage mean that I will deliver soon? (like tomorrow or such). I went to childbirth classes and know what centimeters is and station (although doctor did not say what station I was) but do not know what effacement means exactly. Also, is it normal not to feel contractions and be 2 cm dialated? I guess I expected it to hurt when you dialated at all. Anyone who can please help. As I said, I know women vary, but I wanted to know if you generally went a long time or whether from this point it would be fast.38 weeks pregnant
A: It is not uncommon to dialate and efface ahead of time. Effacement is the thinning of the cervix. I was 3 cm and almost fully effaced for a few weeks before delivery, the doctor told me that if you aren’t already in labor, usually hitting 4 will cause you to go into labor. As for it making it all go quickly, your cutting down on the time it would take you to dialate those 2 cm. Labor for first time moms often takes 24-48 hours, so while it will make a difference, it will not really make it go quickly. When you dialate ahead of time, it is very common to not feel the contractions.Good luck with the baby.
Contraction times for you to look at – what do you think? 35 Weeks 2 Days pregnant?
Q: Hello there all, Feel free to look back on my last two questions for a bit of history, but for two days and two nights I have been experiencing contractions and rather frequently. Not BH’s like usual, but actual contractions and that period cramping pain associated with them.When checked last night at hospital I was having contractions 10mins apart and they sent me home with some tablets to calm them down after debating whether or not I should be sent to a nearer hospital which takes women who go into labour before 36 weeks. My private hospital doesn’t which is why I’m stressing about this too! I just have to go another 5 days to 36 weeks and I can go to my private hospital!Anyhoo, they also checked my cervix and apparently it has “softened” (effaced somewhat) which means it is getting ready for labour at some point.So went home, was up most of last night with contractions and today when I went to visit my OBGYN he told me that yes I was experiencing actual contractions, no I wasn’t in actual labour, to take tablets every day to help starve off as many contractions as I can and to cross my legs and get past the next 5 days.So again my contractions have sped up after calming down this afternoon and I think it is because I left the house to go to this appointment etc.Oh, and baby’s head is entering the pelvis, in the pelvis (is that the birth canal or a different thing?) and spine facing the left which my OBGYN says is perfect for going into labour.Here are my contractions so far up until now:3:54pm4:03pm – 9 (minutes from last contraction)4:11pm – 84:25pm – 144:36pm – 114:45pm – 95:53pm – 85:09pm – 165:24pm – 155:38pm – 145:51pm – 136pm – 96:13pm – 13What do you think? My husband is getting the tablets which are meant to calm down my uterus very soon. How do these contractions match what you might have gone through in early labour or an episode of contractions that came and went?Just wanting some extra reassurance that everything is going okay and I’m not yet heading for labour. They seem to be rather irregular still. I just wish they would go away! Don’t want to go into labour until at least 36 weeks if I can help it!Thank you very much!Latest two contractions:6:18pm – 56:24pm – 6
A: Oh my girlie! If your water hasn’t broke, I know they can try to prolong labor, it’s up to your doctor for how long though. He may just try to get you through to next week at 36 and then let you go. Your definitely lucky if you can go into labor naturally early without having to be induced, they say the pain is so much more intense having to be induced. But I’m sure these tablets will help slow things down. I’ll cross my fingers that your water doesn’t break. Good luck girlie! Keep us posted.
Do you think it’s right that he is…?
Q: I am 36 weeks along in my pregnancy. So far, I’ve had a great pregnancy. Well, when I go to my ob check ups, I’m not told about anything. Such as, how my baby is doing, how “big” he could be, if he is in the right position (head down or breech), my blood pressure, tests that I have had to take, to see if I’m effacing fine or even near dialation (since this is my second, we 2 timers mostly efface sooner than dialate) or anything. I mean, I ask him all the time, and all he tells me is everything is fine. He doesn’t explain or anything! What should I/could I do? I’d really like to find out about my pregnancy. Also, I’m measure much smaller than other women at 36 weeks. I’m supposed to measure up with how many weeks pregnant I am, but I don’t. So that’s another reason I worry about my baby. I had the measure problem with my first, and my docter I had than made an ultrasound appointment. Please tell me what I can do.I am unable to change my physician because of the insurance that I have. I have military insurance and they make sure you have a provider within their limits. I live in a small town, so there aren’t any other OBs around.
A: It may be to late to change doctors seeing as how you’re not to far from your due date. Most doctors wont accept patients after 20 weeks unless they haven’t been seen by another OB. I would sit down with your current OB and express your concerns to him. Tell him exactly how you feel about how he’s going about things and that you are worried. Good luck.If you can find a doctor that will take you, then switch. I’ve worked in several offices where they refused to take new patients (that had switched from other doctors) so late in the pregnancy. If not do what I mentioned above.
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