When is the best time to try to become pregnant

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Ovulation is the best time to get pregnant. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the next period is due. ChaCha again? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-is-the-best-time-to-try-to-become-pregnant ]
More Answers to “When is the best time to try to become pregnant
When is the best time for a woman to try to become pregnant?
Most women ovulate anywhere between day 11-day 21 of their cycle, counting from the first day of their last menstrual period.

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How long will it take me to become pregnant and when is the best time to try to become pregnant?
Q: I have been taking Yasmin birth controle, I stopped today. How long will it take before I can become pregnant. And how do I know when I am ovulating and all that good stuff. Is there any certain position I need to be in or stay in afterwards?I need your help, desperate for a child of our own.
A: If you have just stopped the pill, your cycle probably works like clockwork. Doctors usually ask you to wait a month and a mense before you get pregnant after going off the pill because it helps them date the pregnancy. However, getting pregnant two weeks after going off the pill is pretty common and it doesn’t hurt the baby. If you’ve just gone off the pill today, there is no reason for you to be concerned about tracking ovulation, staying in maximum sperm motility positions, etc. Those concerns are for people who have had trouble conceiving. You just started “trying” today! The best advice anyone can give you at this stage of the game is to relax, enjoy life with your partner and be happy. While there is a lot of discussion about fertility problems, nature usually just takes its course and there is no reason to believe that it won’t happen for your family. Good luck and happy conception.
If Im not on birth control, and have irregular periods, when is the best time to try to get pregnant?
Q: I haven’t been on birth control for over a year therefore my periods aren’t regular. Its hard to plan when it they will come so Im trying to figure out when the best time to have sex is, to become pregnant. Can we have sex before or after my periods and still get pregnant? And how long before and after??
A: If you have irregular periods it’s really worth while to start monitoring your cycles to figure out when you’re ovulating.You can use websites like fertility friend.com, and monitor yourself using body temp, cervical mucus, cervical positioning, lh surge tests (aka OPKs), or saliva estrogen tests (all tests can be bought online for a lot cheaper than in the pharmacy). Monitoring yourself will help make sure you have sex during the right time.If you don’t want to monitor yourself, we can calulate your approx fertile period. Women ovulate 12-16 days BEFORE the end of their cycles. Sperm can live for up to 5 days, and an egg can survive 24 hours. So generally the formula is take your shortest cycle length and subtract 18 , then take your longest cycle and subtract 11. So if your cycles vary 28-40 days then your fertile range would be cycle day 10-29. Remember Cycle day 1 is the first day of full flow of your period. This is your average fertile range, and you should have sex every 24-48 hours during that period.Also, do not use lube unless its a sperm friendly brand like preseed. And if you notice eggwhite like ample cervical mucus, try to have sex ever 24 hours during that time.
When is the best time I can become pregnant?
Q: My husband is coming home from the marines soon, and we would like to try for a child. He should be here on Saturday ( May 9) and I am suppose to get my period a couple of days after that. I have heard that three days before your period, that is the best time to become pregnant. Thanks for all of your help!
A: 14 days before your period is around when you ovulate, but it is different for all women..check outwww.pregnology.com or www.fertility friend.com it will help you become more familiar with when you ovulate
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