Are guys dumb

Health related question in topics Relationships Dating Conversational Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Are guys dumb”,you can compare them.

Not all of them are dumb, but there are some that are. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are guys dumb
Are you that guy?
Ok so it’s the little things that really add up. It’s those that I am looking for. The holding hands during a movie. The hi how was your day. The stolen kisses when you think you can get away with it Laurel Montana
Do you guys like it?
really? that really makes me curious. I had to download the free version again just recently, within the week even. After downloading it I went thru the tutorial, set it up as my left convenience key. All I have to do is press it with inst…
Why are guys so dumb?
Guy aren’t too good at expressing their emotions so when it comes to girls,they get a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable with it. So they deflect this by making fun of the girl or avoiding her and so on. Don’t forget,guys don’t mature at the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

In Christianity, God punished eating of tree of knowledge. Does it mean God only likes dumb guys and girls?
Q: God will love and promote dumb guys and girls to heaven while anyone who learns anything will be punished ?
A: You are correct. This story is a very clear indication that religion is based on a dislike of knowledge and science. Idiots are easier to control, I guess.
how come dumb guys are only cool in cartoons?
Q: it’s always in cartoons that you see guys acting really dumb but still loveable and people thinks it’s funny, but in real life guys are usually put down for their stupidity especially women who usually want to be with a man that are smart and can have an intelligent conversation with but not with someone who acts dumb like in cartoons yet they seem to love the dumb guys in them.
A: Cartoons =/= Real Life.Just because something is funny or cool on television, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be like that in the real world.
how come in cartoons, the guys are always dumb and girls are always the smart ones?
Q: you see this all the time on cartoons. the simpsons, family guy, spongebob squarepants, grim adventures of billy and mandy, fairly odd parents, and every cartoon on tv the guys are always the dumb ones and the girls are always the smart ones. how did this started and why is it so popular to see on cartoons.
A: in fairly odd parents the black dude is a genius….in sponge bob the squid is not dumb but not a genius same goes for the crab… grim the blac kid who loves mandy isnt dumb…family guy brian and stewie are not dumb…barts not really dumb either just evil……focus on all the characters and not on the supposed injustice of making men seem stupid
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