Can you really die if you hit the ground when falling in your dream

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you really die if you hit the ground when falling in your dream”,you can compare them.

That is an interesting theory, but I hit the ground tons of times in my dreams and I’m still kicking. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you really die if you hit the ground when falling in your dream
Will I really die if I hit the ground during a falling dream??
The many people who have described hitting the ground during a dream about falling are proof positive that hitting the ground in a dream is not a terminal experience. It is true, however, that dreams of falling often wake the dreamer, and t…
Can you really die if you fall and hit the ground in your dreams??
You know when your just going to sleep and you get that feeling ofyour falling? And you wake up right away? All that is; is your mind i forcing you to breath. Sometimes when your going to sleep you stop breathing and your blacking out whi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

when you have a dream that you are falling, if you hit the ground in your dream, then you die in real life?
A: well no cause i have had that dream once or twice
when you dream about falling and you hit the ground do you die in real life?
Q: someone told me this and was so sure this was true… is it?
A: No. Your dream stops when you have no clue what it would be like to experience what happens next.
is it true if you don’t wake up in a falling dream before you hit the ground and die that you’ll really die?
A: you probably wont die from that because you are dreaming but you may die from a heart attack because when you dream and you can actually see your dream you are in your sub concise and you fell that it is really happening and your heart rate goes up high enough were you start to flat line because you really do think that you are going to die.
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