What does it mean if you Dream about someone you like

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What does it mean if you Dream about someone you like”,you can compare them.

To dream that you have a have a crush on somebody, is a literal reflection of your attraction and fascination for that person. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-you-dream-about-someone-you-like ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if you Dream about someone you like
Depends what happened in the dream, It could mean you like them just enough to dream about them or it could mean you will become better acquainted…
that happens to me most of the time. dont believe when others say that dreams are the opposite of what will happen. i think its just because they are the last thing on our mind before we go to sleep and thats why our brain still process tha…
I think you dreamt about the person you like because you were thinking about that person all Day or some thing happened that day your subconscious just brought images and put them together

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A: dreams are not to be taken literally.write down all the dreams you have. Eventually you will see a pattern. dreams are for learning how to resolve problems and getting out of bad situations.i bet these dreams are teaching you how to deal with difficult people! your mind is instinctively teaching you this. it does this while you sleep because at that time your mind has the ability to 100% focus since you are doing nothing else and your eyes are closed thereby keeping all outside stimulations and information from bombarding your mind.did you ever try to recall a dream but have problem remembering the details soon after you wake up? it’s because your eyes are open! as soon as you open your eyes after waking up your brain is getting all kinds of information. try this:after you wake up DO NOT OPEN YOUR EYES! lay there and recount your dream until you have it well memorised. then open your eyes and write it down.good luck!
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