How do I help my depressed girlfriend

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Your support and encouragement can play an important role, learn about the problem, encourage treatment, and offer support. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I help my depressed girlfriend
How to help my depressed girlfriend?
Well, if going to God helped her the last time, then you should start taking her to church and have her participate in church related activities. I recommend a Baptist church since she is Christian, but wherever you go make sure to avoid ta…
How to help a depressed girlfriend?
My advice is be careful, my girlfriend suffers from depression and at times is is very difficult. I know you want to help her and it is very upsetting to see her she is is really depressed and you just want to do something. Sadly I made the…
What can i do to help my depressed girlfriend?
Let her be. If you keep it at this rate you would push her and she would more likely to push you away. Give her time and she will come around. If she really needs help suggest her that she go to a psychologist. If you really love her, wait …

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Q: Well he’s broken up with his girlfriend and theres nothing he can do for her. He’s contemplating suicide and I don’t live near him so I can’t call or anything. The only way to contact is by email.I really need to help him, I just don’t know how..Any ideas??He needs help..
A: Tell him to tell you every single thing he is feeling and worrying about, that will help a little then offer any advice you can about how much he has to look forward to in life. If no better there are places where he can see a counseller confidentially that could professionally help him out of the problem, without telling his parents if he is afraid of them knowing. These is also medication for depression if he is willing too see a doctor. I have had too talk people out of suicide before and its hard but if they are serious you need to consider everything. P.S if he is a teenager it may be raging hormones through puberty loads of teens go through it. hope that helpedGood luck 🙂
How to deal with a depressed girlfriend?
Q: My girlfriend is depressed we often fight a lot. I think it all comes down to the depression. She feels better when she sees me (its a bit of a long distance relationship) but it is only a temp fix and the depression is still there. I care very much about her and wouldn’t want to abandon her but I feel it dragging me down too and it is becoming very taxing on me. Its like there is nothing that I can do. Any advice?
A: True depression requires therapy. Currently YOU are her therapy and her meds. it may sound cruel but severing ties might just be the best thing for the both of you. Don’t by into the “I cant live w/o you” or “I’ll kill myself”. If she pulls that tell her that’s exactly why! you cannot and will not be responsible for her well being.
What can i do to help my depressed girlfriend?
Q: my girlfriend is depressed and i need help everything i try just makes things worse i try romantic things and it doesnt work i tell her i love her and shes the only girl for me she just things its ridiculous i dont know what to do everything i try backfires help pleaseyes she is going to see a therapist and i tried to be there for her and she just doenst want ityes she is going to see a therapist and i tried to be there for her and she just doenst want it
A: Let her be. If you keep it at this rate you would push her and she would more likely to push you away. Give her time and she will come around. If she really needs help suggest her that she go to a psychologist.If you really love her, wait for her.
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